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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Is anyone here a loser? Share your experiences.

>dropped out of uni

>working min wage until I retire


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>work two jobs
>framing carpenter and lot staff at an auto dealership
>been doing that since 17
>moved out when 17 because parents are assholes
>live alone via rent
I'll never bother getting some sidebitch that will cost my mental happiness and financial earnings.
I feels you OP.


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>grew up bouncing between psych hospitals and therapists for childhood issues
>sexually abused during teen years
>graduated high school with awful grades and no opportunities thanks to the above
>on government funds for all kinds of psychiatric issues
>unemployed and living with parents for 3 years now
at least you guys work
this is probably going to be the rest of my life unless i kill myself


I'm sorry anon.


>uni dropout to pursue my field on my own terms
>mental health issues
>homeless, sleeping on couches while looking for place to live
>probably'll end up failing and offing myself because of absurdly high expectations of myself
life sucks.


Yeah, stuff sort of fell apart around me and I just gave up on everything else as I got older. Posting about it on imageboards has never proven to be very productive though, not for me at least.


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>>2792 I would recommend getting a job, one with decent co-workers. In fact if the co-worker's suck, quit and find another. I find that waking up and having a responsibility towards others where I matter even somewhat has helped me immensely. I have been lost for years and above all else having co-workers and regular customers to my job feel like extended family has helped me just keep a feeling of true north, and all the psychiatric personal soykaf just falls away. Also living with parents but just having the responsibility, something to wake up for and uphold even if insignificant in the grand spectrum but significant to me now keeps me moving and happy even though I am lost. It generates the gears for more so to speak. I'm not sure how to describe it. I work in retail but I like the associated work. It's hardware and home goods, nothing special but it keeps me busy and gets me meeting different people all the time. Find something you can do from a bottom line, even on your worst days (which I have had many bad days) and work through.

Even working full time you will have free time to develop yourself and everything in your spare time feels more deliberate as well as you have less of it. When it becomes finite to compliment your responsibility to your job you will understand more, trust me. Just don't flip patties, do something a little more personal, doesn't have to be special, just something you can do and uphold.

Even if you think you have no reason for the extra cash you will be able to travel and take more chances, even on minimum wage over time, especially living with your parents.

It will all come together my friend. It takes time to process, even in this strange seemingly pathetic state.

The same goes for everyone else


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>was given up for adoption by my bio parents
>don't know who my real dad is didnt want his name on the birth cirtificate
>adopted family are abusive
>adoptive mom tried to kill me at 11
>cps got involved
>was molested publically on schoolgrounds
>was top of my class but because i have ptsd from being molested my grades dropped
>abusive relationship after abusive relationship
>my last ex threatened my life have to worry about that forever now
>getting ready to apply to college probably just don't make it honestly
>have a boyfriend he's the only good thing about my life idk if he loves me though. i worry im a game to him

sorry for a lot but thats only a little bit my life is pretty soykaf and others have told me they'd kill themselves in my shoes irl. im sorry for any of the other people here who have suffered.



Can really see shattered parts of myself in all that has been exposed. Patterns. It feels eerily similar to read some of you …

But then what. Sometime I feel alright, even in the grit and the shades. There's blossoming everywhere, some funk out the broadcasted boredom. When the dots connect (I won't pretend I connect them myself, it just happens), inside or outside doesn't matter. Digital life whatsoever.


i'm in this awkward spot where i lose all my benefits if i work, and i can't even work anyway because i'm so damaged mentally + no college
can't go to college because special education iep junk
im gonna be a farmer


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>depression, hypochondria, agorophobia, autism, hikkikomori
>live with parents still and neet
>terrible higene
>no friends
>drug addict
>no qualifications thanks to some terrible bad luck with beurocracy and schools closing down
it would be funny if it was happening to someone else


> have autism,schizophrenia and other mental issues
> live in a stupid redneck town in the deep south
> not many job opportunities outside of working at wal-mart or fast food
> no friends
> nobody around me i can relate to

life sucks,I wish i lived in a bigger town in another part of the united states with more job opportunities and public transportation so i can get a job and not worry about driving to work
because of my mental issues.


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I thought I was a loser. It turned out that everyone around me was a loser. I never was


Took me a long time to realize, this but after I did I was much happier and more content with life. You can let the losers all walk around thinking that they are top dogs, then they stay out of your way and on their little track fighting each other over scraps.


That's the point of this thread my dude


>social anxiety disorder, ptsd , hikkineet, depression
>have no friends irl nor internet life
>extremely quiet person


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All lainfags are losers?


Nowadays. I feel badly all the time. I hardly see a point in anything I do except to try to not make things worse.

I feel like I'm stuck in a corner, crying. Even when I'm sitting in a chair, working. I think my body and brain are disagreeing over my lack of meaningful activity.


I'm not sure if I'm a loser or not. I have some friends but I barely spend time outside my own room. I'm still at university and it's going well, it's the one thing in life I'm happy about


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>abused by parents
>soykaf grades in hs so have to work min wage
>weak, skinnyfat
>social anxiety
>0 friends and no internet life either
I just play games, watch animu and other escapism things. I am not unhappy to be honest, I am used to this type of life.


>>2792 >>2799 >>2850
You're too pitiable to really be called "losers." Being victimised is really awful but it means you haven't been responsible for your own situation, making you the most deserving of help. If there is hope left in you I really wish something good would come of your life and that you'd find some happiness somewhere. If not then that's fine too, I can't really have any expectations of you. I just don't want you to suffer any more than you have to.


Y'all Blooms


you are right anon. yeah, I guess we aren't "losers", it a "tough luck" kind of situation

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