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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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There's a girl in my class that I really don't understand. I really hate her and her friends, because basically they're just a bunch of delinquents. She doesn't do any homework, doesn't wear our school uniform, does makeup and looks like a sculpture (thinks that she is pretty, but she just looks like a clown), asks if I have any cigs just to bully me and there are so many more. She doesn't enter her classes most of the time and last week when there was a roll call, she wasn't in the class. Afterwards she just replaced her number with mine and I was going to get suspended because of her. Our Principal noticed that and there was no problems, but I'm just full of anger now. I wrote a petition to the school, I'ts been almost 2 weeks since I wrote it looks like principal doesn't give a soykaf about it because they are tired of that girl. I am actually angry about this and there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it because they don't listen to me. I really don't get people. It's okay if you don't want to come to class but why would do something like this? She did bully me a quite while ago for a long time too but it's all supposed to be over. I don't understand people, how come someone can't have the ability to think logically? It really shouldn't be so hard to use your brain, or think at least. She doesn't even have some common sense. As I keep seeing people like her, I just think that if we don't give them what they deserve, nothing is going to change and we won't be able to step forward. I'm just disgusted. I can't deal with this anymore.
What would you do if you were in my position? Or have you encountered something like this before? How did you deal with it?


cry more soft boy


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oh boy ive had to deal with lots of these during school though i never got bullied by one they certainly are a menace why even go to school at that point just take your soykaf drugs by the service station


Women live in a different reality for a good portion of their lives, until they are no longer sexually attractive. There's nothing you can personally do about this case unless you want to spend all your time and energy being vengeful. In theory you could set her on a different path in life if you went completely psycho and fucked her up, but you would destroy your own life in the process. Maybe that's a nice revenge fantasy but it's absolutely not worth it.

Don't waste any more energy thinking about her specifically. Use the anger as inspiration toward constructive outcomes for yourself. Does this inspire you to want to live a certain way to avoid people like her? Or to have power over people like her? (Arguably still not constructive, but it's certainly better than petty revenge)

Maybe you should spend more time thinking about the problem (ill-behaved people - especially women - who are rewarded for their antisocial behavior) and write a book or come up with intelligent solutions to improve society. We as a civilization are desperately in need of possibilities, because we are being overrun and shat upon by millions upon millions of people like this: inconsiderate, cruel, "powerful" by virtue of their influence over others (especially women over men).

Or I suppose you could get religious and hope for justice in the afterlife, but that's a long time to wait for satisfaction and none of us know conclusively how things work over there, if at all.


Your time and mind are too valuable to be wasted fixating on people you think are lost cases, you won't see them ever again when classes are over I reckon so why worry.


This it was so hard for me to take this kind of advice when I was OPs age, but in reality it couldn't be more true. There are a handful of people who were my best friends, the rest are nowhere to be found. You won't ever hear from any of them ever again.


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>I just think that if we don't give them what they deserve, nothing is going to change and we won't be able to step forward. I'm just disgusted.
You live in an ivory tower if you think that petty annoyances like these are the real problems in our world.

>I can't deal with this anymore.

Are you still getting bullied? Just tell a teacher or something.

>What would you do if you were in my position? Or have you encountered something like this before? How did you deal with it?

I have been in your position. I used to think that I was rational and that everything would be fine if people just followed the rules. I grew up and then realized that the world is a messed up place and trying to set things "right" is impossible.

You are better off ignoring this soykaf and improving yourself. If you are as logical as you claim, then you know that your sense of justice is holding you back. You are smart enough to figure out how to get others to stop bullying you, which probably means improving your social skills.

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