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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I hit the wrong person and it was a girl I "loved". Was in denial about it for a while and that made things worse coming to that conclusion. I'd say my life is a living hell but it's not. It's just an emotionless void Main( ) . Comparatively I feel like that's fine. I'm still suffering from psychosis.
i've always suffered from psychosis anyway though. Starting to hear though.
They're not external but who knows if it'll get worse. Whomever doesn't care.
I don't care either right now. I should take a nap though.
It's fine.

I had all these emotions
rage guilt sadness and envy mania with or from whatever
I brought it on myself but I just wanted help i guess,
but i've never asked for that, didnt come out right.
Nor have I ever really given anything to receive it.
It's weird as the only thing I can say is oh well.
That's literal. Everything else is an excuse
I cant tell if it's over never happened or
it's just a bad dream i'm having
just focusing on studies
writing this to people
that's enough

I'm nobody really.
making me someone
It doesn't matter either way
I shouldn't have done anything at all
It never did, but that I hit the wrong person.

what to do what to do.
I guess taking a nap exercise goal orientation
anybody ever feel social interaction is pointless?
Outside of the above three things does it really mean anything?
I've always hated that networking aspect and i'm seriously regretting it
but it's actually nice to be alone sometimes. The sound of silence is golden

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