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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1552930122263-0.png (559.63 KB, 1920x1080, rt5xkomwztj11.png)


Why do I remember things that haven't happened?
Why is this world an oxymoron?
Why do the cries of the blind fall upon deaf ears?
Why is the peering of an outside world from a window so nostalgic?
Why must I struggle to see a face of someone who never existed?
Why am I here?


False memory. Epigenetic memory. Imagination. Dream, unconscious, and/or thoughtform memory collision.
Alienation. Loss of culture. Isolation.
>deaf ears
You misunderstand, nobody can do a thing. Even those you think can do something are trapped in a web of bureaucracy and pre-established systems.
Alienation. Isolation. Um, nostalgia.
>never existed
Because your willpower is not sufficient. If you will it, you won't struggle any more. Be careful of what you wish for, though.
Which part? Believe it or not, you're in a privileged position.
∞ hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I look at this thread and I see two minds. One confused and lost, one a brightly shining beacon.
I wish everyone to become as bright and shiny as OP.

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