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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1552895811517.jpg (7.46 KB, 236x314, 53817110_2163175960417930_….jpg)


Right now, i'm deeply frustrated.
I don't know why i am feeling like this, nor when it started, but i'm pretty frustrated.
I don't want to sleep, i don't want to play my guitar, i don't want to watch something, i don't want to listen to music, i don't want to do nothing.
Maybe masturbate makes me feel a little better, but i'm too angry to get concentrate on it.
I'm pretty uncomfortable, and there's absolutely nothing that i can do. Being frustrated at this moment makes me wonder why i am feeling this way, and when i think about something that makes me fell this way, i fell more uncomfortable and more frustrated.
It'll pass soon, but i wonder what the fuck happened in my brain to make me fell like this.
wtf is going on pls help everything was just fine minutes ago


Well, now i want to cry, my throat feels like a tight asshole, and my lungs feels like a balloon being squished by a child.
My eyes feels dry like an desert, but almost exploding on water.

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