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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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cant even take aim while pee/10, thats my depress level right now, as a programmer which is my job too, i dont think i can write more normal person projects to stay alive, real estate, tour, hotel sites and every fucking tourism soykaf, i'm the only programmer in team and other guys dont give fuck about deployment or the architecture we need for systems, all they want better UI, UX or money, no one can help me and i feel lonely about this situation.

let's make a real estate site but same time it should be integrated all of existing big real estate sites so we can sell the product but the problem is i have no damn idea to how i can integrate whole soykaf which is uses EAV to create properties, even if i can find proper solution, probably wont have enough time to maintain everything because they dont fucking write single line damn ass php

when i realize that, i started own side projects like a 8080 emulator etc. but end of the project i realized, i already exhausted myself so looks like i have no more passion to do my job, im just forcing myself to gain money

team leader cant even use cp -R, he just drag drops files with ftp in server actually its kinda cool if you dont wanna move files between accounts because to doing that he downloads and reuploads files and that was very big evidence how ignorant they are

i dont even want to talk about; deliver fast, maintain to end of time projects

every week it becomes more bad situation, im saving all of my money and dont have desire to buy anything

i always wanted to be in team we can hack world or write own irc implementation maybe contribute to other projects but my team cant even contribute to my side projects and thats my one of reason being depressed

i want to change my name, address, phone number and move another reality but mama will be sad


I also work with a lot of incompetent monkeys, but it doesn't affect me since the day I realized that doing my best is they only way I can go to work without feeling miserable.

It doesn't matter if nobody recognizes what I do everyday. I know I have saved the projetc/fix a bug that/etc, and that I learnt something in the process. It'll help me in another job, with my studies… I am not working as hard as I can for nothing, I get something in return.

I guess you need to find a hobby because your work can't be everything you have. Try to find someone to talk to or an activity that you enjoy. If you can find something that will not remember what you do in your work, it'll be even better.


looking for satisfaction in your job, or for people to notice what you're doing- not exactly the definition of most programming jobs. Or- well engineering in general.

you've got to find something that makes the week more meaningful- or start looking for a different job


So there are two things at play here, in doing a large undertaking like this with a client you really should have done a feasibility study before you even wrote a single line of code if you are doing this project correctly. If you had done a feasibility study properly you would have realized that you couldn't do what they were asking how they were asking you too before you already got in this deep on the project. That way you could have altered their expectations as the engineer. You should have laid out a set of requirements with detailed plans for how you were going to approach those requirements and backup plans for what to do if they failed. This is what they call 'software engineering' and if you aren't doing this at your job find another one.

Secondly, if you are in a lower position and were either not allowed to give input in the planning stages or were not at the company when the requirements and project planning were being drafted. It really has nothing to do with you, it isn't your fault in any way that there isn't a good design in place for how this should work. And you aren't going to be at all to blame, since the project was designed improperly from the start.

If you are in this situation and someone tries to place the blame on you, quit. Simple as that. Not your problem, you didn't draft the project requirements. And if you go to someone right now and tell them that the requirements are either infeasible or you can't figure out how to do them in the way that was suggested. You can get out infront of the blame by calling a meeting and showing why you think this isn't going to be feasible and why it isn't going to match with the requirements. If you do that, you should have successfully shifted all blame and given them all a chance to weigh in on what you should do to fix the unfeasible project. If after this anyone higher than you like a project manager tries to place blame on you while not putting forward their own solutions, that is a place where you want to quit immediately.


first of all i can plan stages of projects which is they can contribute but they dont also i'm studying projects before starting, i'm splitting projects to different parts and being sure these parts can be usable in future projects so basically splitting project to libs and its pretty good thing, generally it goes fine and sometimes i'm a getting phone call and guess what? boss tells me we need to finish until to this friday, my depress limit increases +3 and i need to boost project then i'm starting to soykafting in whole project with many copy pasta and 3iq lines but somewhat it finishes, project works, everyone earns money, everyone happy, until they comes back with new requests with that soykaf hole project.

basically i need to rewrite these soykaf parts and i can't because boss says we dont have time and depress level increases, again, soykaf hole fills and becomes soykaf mountain and they always comes back with these new request and end of this story i told them no more new request say hello to v2 we will rewrite this soykaf.

another problem is they want me to write js, i dont want to write fucking dumb ass js, they want things which is they dont even know how but they want and equalivent of this thing is; image cropper with dropzone and they or boss want it in every project and i did that, i build damn thing but i cant breathe because of reflections and the hacks i did to build that thing, i feel shameful because of these codes i have to write.

they wanted to show some links in site menu which is very normal for a website but the problem is the project has multi language and i already soykaf these parts because of the boost and someone have to build mother fucking thing to manage menu, menu should be nested drag drop so user wont be confuse while managing things in menu, somewhat i built it and make it work, the point of this part is if i didnt built that thing probably boss was gonna write specific queries for menu and we are selling this project to multiple clients so you cant just put everything you want it to project because every client can have different menu

i'm writing these libs for future projects and sometimes old projects comes back and i have no passion to continue these old projects neither write soykafs which is i already write as lib but i cant use because state of project.

basically they want so much thing without enough time, you can plan your project but you cant develop same project to end of the time and finally you need to re write it or you need to make core changes or i just dont have enough programming skill.

i dont want to solve dumb people's dumb problems, i dont wanna write extra things for seo, i dont want to write js which is not part of my job but they think i'm web guy and i must do it also they cant write such a things but projects needs it

i started to eat less then as usual, i cant find passion to continue side projects because my job is killing me



All that I am hearing is, you are not tempering their expectations. Also the fact that you played ball with their expectations in the past was a HUGE mistake. You doing that, and finishing the large project by the deadline only tells them that their deadlines were reasonable and that they can give you similar deadlines in the future and expect the work to come in a similar timeframe.

You essentially fucked yourself by completing the project on time miraculously because now they think you can do that everytime. They aren't believing you when you tell them "I can't finish this on time" because you did in fact finish on their ridiculous deadline last time. This tells them that the deadline wasn't so ridiculous.

I would tell you that you should just quit and get a different job because that is honestly not how most programming jobs work. It gets better.


you are right, all i did was completely self-destruct, i couldnt realize that because i already so much focused to project so i learned a lesson from hard way

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