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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1495909612628.jpg (29.05 KB, 569x800, C_vXo4MXgAAFwV_.jpg)


i am a victim of serious abuse trauma and this revictimization thing has been fucking me up for the longest time.
basically i instigate soykaf on the chance that i get punished for it. ive lost so many friends because of it.
please help if you can


Few people here could actually relate to your issue.
I am not sure what it is that you are looking for; if you seek serious help with managing your issues, then I guess imageboard is highly unlikely to help you in any significant manner. I would advise seeing a mental health professional.
If you want to talk, see what other people's input might be, then you are welcome to do so, but you have given us insufficient amount of information for conversation. Understandingly, it's not an easy thing to open up about, but if you just want to talk, then there has to be something to expand on.
What is it about your behavior in interpersonal relations that you think is the problem?

Once again, please seek professional aid in meatspace. I seriously doubt that anything else might be of serious help to you.


I can relate and you need to stop.

you can stop.


idk how to help you other than to say you need to stop. i would say to seek help via a medical professional, as medication seems like the best option.

also how dare that person manhandle that poor pup. i'd hope they are not actually applying pressure, but it looks like they are choking it


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You need to find an outlet.

I hate to say it, but online trolling my help, or soykaf posting.

Finding an outlet or something that makes you feel the same way online will make you feel great.

I do it, it helps a lot.

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