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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Kalyx ######

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Hello Alice,
did you ever have a summer jobs? And how did it go?
In a few months I will be done with high school. I am thinking of doing a summer job. Do you have any recommendations?


Do you have any family or family friends in an industry you have interest in? They will be a lot of help. I used to do a small computer repair/IT. Made a lot of money even when I charged so little.


>Do you have any family or family friends in an industry you have interest in? They will be a lot of help.
Thanks for the idea. Sadly my parents couldn't help me, i'll see their friends can help me.
>I used to do a small computer repair/IT. Made a lot of money even when I charged so little.
Oh, that seems nice. Maybe i'll find something in this field.


i got no job experience but im going to work as a waiter this summer because tips equal big munniez

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