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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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A few years ago we met as complete strangers. You showed me around town, got a bite to eat and had some really amazing tea. We went to your home and we talked about your books that were all over the room and watched films. Movie was so good you must have forgotten that you wanted to move those books so I could sleep on the floor.

We hit it off so quickly. Looking back it is like a dream that you could even stand me. A dream that makes this waking life grey. You said you loved me. We barely knew each other and I am sure I would have been a greater mistake than I already was. You said you loved me like an alarm clock and I woke up.

Weeks later I treated you like a stranger again and pretended I had forgotten the dream like so many others dreampt. The library, the record store basement, crazy vegan mushroom pizza. I did not want to go home. My one day stay turned to three. You said you loved me. I forgot my jacket and it was so cold. Ulysess and Bjork. I do not know if you are here anymore. I do not think you care to talk to me. I like to think you laugh about how you said you loved me like it was a childish phase. I hope you are well and happy. My writing is no better than it was when we met and you even cause my internal voice to be speechless.

You said you loved me and that is the alarm I will wake up to until the dream is completely gone.

50/50 change this fails to post. What a blessing that would be.


Why would you ignore somebody you love?


Stupidity and a lot of other cliches.

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