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Kalyx ######

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hey alice, i finally took some initiative and went for an interview at a college after a referral from one of my psychiatrists. i start on wednesday and i'm actually kind of excited to have a chance of a more bluepill life after nearly a decade of seemingly repetitive events. i know i'll be back to my usual pessimistic self when i wake up tomorrow but i thought if i was ever going to post on this board, now is probably the time to do it.

i hope you're all doing well too, and if you're not that's okay - take a break, you still have ages to figure stuff out. what does alice think about hopelessness, anhedonia and feeling disconnected with the world. is it dumb to compare such a complicated and everchanging thing such as existence with a dumb movie about rabbits and suits, or is it kind of eerily accurate? do we latch on to media themed in dystopian styles when we feel a certain way to replace the non-existent answers to the questions we desperately want answers to?

i'm not sure, i concluded that thinking about this stuff in excess is a waste of time like usual, goodnight alice.


I am really happy for you. It is a wild ride either way. Keep it cool. You are my world.

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