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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Someone I know ties everything about themselves to their sexuality. They dont get that that's not what I cared about in the least. They'll deny it and call me delusional but really what is the point. That's just how I feel. There's no conversation really just assumptions made so why not make assumptions as well. Frankly it's the only reason I'm still alive. It's a strange love hate relationship where I feel the need to disprove others assumptions both out of anger yet also out of understanding. Then again that's the same as with every interaction with everything ever. That's being. Rationally there's no reason to feel one way or the other about it since it's perceptions held by different people for various motivations. The only thing to do is work one's way out of the problem and commit to the actionable while acting as ethically as possible. I have to do this even while killing myself is always on the table. Why? I dont really know. I dont know, I'm super dumb lol I dont know dude like come on I'm a killjoy


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I didnt want to do things this way. It was really the only way I could try and fix the problem or really understand what happened. It didnt completely work and that's fine. You dont care and I'm dealing with things. I guess I over judged my value to you. I'm just going to keep going. Have a conversation or continue with assumptions, either way works for me. I'm sorry. Seriously I should have been a little more graceful but better than being dead. I'd say goodbye but I'm sure that'd piss someone off. I'm super cool and regret nothing. Only way to go three layers deep playa


If I dont leave and keep fighting to understand this way, I actually will kill myself. That's life, when you're not strong enough that's what happens.

But yeah whatever pussy


"Yeah you would think that wouldn't you" - guyoninternet


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Youre forgiven


You know it could be worse is what I keep telling myself. Thank you

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