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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Where are you supposed to go when you're feeling suicidal but don't have any ideation?

Telling my family would worry them too much as I'm not actually near ideation, and calling a hotline feels like overkill for the same exact reason. Yet there are definitely days when I catch myself wishing i was dead in favor of dealing with what are comparatively petty emotions.

It's an intense feeling and when left unchecked turns into ideation; checking it by myself while possible isn't satisfying and certainly isn't comforting. I'd like to turn to someone else, believing that talking it through with someone who loves me and won't belittle my experience could help.

How / with whom do you talk about wishing you were dead, before it turns into ideas about how to kill yourself?

>inb4 on anonymous image boards

>inb4 op can't inb4


why not talk to your friends, wherever they may be.

Also, provided you don't get the police called on you, I cannot see why calling a hotline would nt be a fine idea. A nice chat with a sympathetic soul.


Why don't you talk to your parents? If their child is suicidal, they would be worried whether they're specifically having suicidal ideations or not.


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how is it possible to feel suicidal but not have ideation? you feel depressed, you idealize suicide. You feel suicidal when you start idealizing killing yourself. I don't know, doesn't matter. Anyways don't tell anybody you actually care about keeping in your life anything about it unless they have to stay. They wont be able to handle it, trust me. You think they will because they say they're able to empathize but they wont because they have their own issues and we live in the real world. You'll be told you have too much emotional baggage. At the same time that's not something people can handle. It's apparently not normal to feel that deeply. Though, don't dismiss your emotions as being petty. People write things and people they don't understand off all the time. Comparatively petty to what? You're feeling the need to kill yourself? What are you comparing, how you feel versus how someone else feels. Is death an emotion? I don't know, blow your brains out then see how petty the emotions were afterwards. That's the best idea right? That's a pointless distinction, at the end of the day you're the one holding the short end of the stick because you're dead because people didn't care or thought you were too cool to commit suicide or whateverthey'llcomeupwithtoavoidresponsibility. Really though, it's not their fault they don't care about you. Everything you do is down to your usefulness and purpose for others. Cold isn't it? With that the only thing to do is distract yourself from these emotions until or while you can properly deal with the problem. I wish I was dead every single day that I'm alive really because it's easier than dealing with the half hearted. Your reason for staying alive is going to be different than mine and vary from moment to moment just as your reason to die. I cant solve that question for you but if you've got useless people in your life make a use for them or get them the out of it. That might actually be what's killing you. What made me suicidal was people's blatant lack of empathy or sense of social obligation towards another outside the bounds of what does this person do for me. I've had a lot of people in my life like that simply due to a perfectionist environment in childhood. To fix the problem I had to come to that realization while not focusing or instead smiling through the pain.


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You'll get better if you keep trying. Eventually you will understand this hedgehogs delima Find people that actually love you and learn to love yourself enough not to want to kill yourself off. Overcome whatever holds you back from finding good professional help if that may still be a viable option for you. You wouldn't kill someone you love right? I'm sure something about you is worth loving. Wouldn't you ask the same of someone you felt an affinity with going through that kind of problem? I don't even know you yet I'd ask that you take care of yourself. Understand everyone has varying perspective, those people I might have perceived as using me may have been unable to help for some other reason. It doesnt mean I felt okay with the interaction it's just the way it is. No one thinks or feels the same. That's probably a good thing


but yeah inb4? wrong board


Read or listen to the Quran. Engage in environmentalism. Take care of your body.


> quran
Be careful tho, it tends to make people explode occasionally.


>They wont be able to handle it, trust me.
let's not over generalize, please.
people need to understand that their experiences are just their own and not enough to make such general statements. maybe say something more like "Careful, they may not be able to handle it even if it seems like they would. That happened to me."

From some people i know, i can say:
some people can handle it.
some people feel good about themselves when they listen to their friends talk about wanting to kill themselves.

there is also a difference between just mentioning it and spending large amounts of time talking about it.


that's fair. was generally pretty pissed writing that. of course i wouldn't say that to someone i was having an actual conversation with.


true about generalization and fixation, that was bitter.

what if you don't have a choice of fixation though? What if you're compelled to focus on something and that something is a negative stream of thought. Normally you wouldn't bring it up.


>why not talk to your friends, wherever they may be.
From personal experience I would not recommend it. To their mind it is basically a suicide threat — my relationship with that friend has never recovered. Some other friends may know that I have been suicidal or have made attempts but not in any meaningful way. It's not right to burden them knowing that they will never understand or that your desire to end your life runs contrary to their desire for you to live. It's not so easy when people are faced with the serious thought of death, especially if you're not old.
>Also, provided you don't get the police called on you, I cannot see why calling a hotline would nt be a fine idea. A nice chat with a sympathetic soul.
Not only is it difficult to open up to a stranger there is also the fact that you know they have no investment in you or love for you besides mere sympathy. It's not an easy place to help people from, and you can tell because most despressive people would rather be supported by people who love them. I'm not against it but I understand why they can be disliked.

Parental relationships are extremely layered and can also be quite complex, especially when it comes to the parent's sense of responsibility. The fact that they would be "worried" about you isn't really conducive to good handling of the situation that is genuinely positive and supportive.

Just keep in mind that when you say you want to kill yourself most people will just take it as that, they won't see how you came to that conclusion or the depth of emotion behind it. Posting about it has become so passé it means almost nothing to anyone.

He's not wrong though, just that it makes no difference if they can "handle it" or not. If you force a situation where there can be no positive outcome then no amount of feeling good about themself will change anything.


>>2195 Just sounds like you are depressed. Consult a therapist or doctor


OP, sauce for pic?


>To their mind it is basically a suicide threat — my relationship with that friend has never recovered
I'm gonna counter this personal experience with my own. You never know how people are going to react to something like this, and you do absolutely deserve support, what else are friends for?

Just be cognizant of what it means to everyone you involve, be honest with them and yourself and make sure nothing is taken out of proportion. Everyone hears the call of the void, some more than others, but we're all in this together.

Gambate, Alice!


saucenao is your friend for stuff like this.

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