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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Recently I've been getting into yoga to correct my posture. It's surprisingly effective! But, the only yoga poses I can remember for now are mountain and seal pose, as well as downward facing dog (which doesn't fix your posture). A week and a half ago, I learned a 10-pose sequence that fixed my back until I had to carry my backpack and stuff to class on monday. Sadly, I can't remember it now.


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I do Qi Gong. But I am interested in yoga for the same reason.
Haven't you tried youtube to remember those postures? I did that for Qi Gong and it worked pretty nicely.
I am more inclined towards Qi Gong because I practice Kung Fu and they're like brothers. But yoga does seem to have a wider array of postures (and more versatiles ones at that). So perhaps I should look into it.


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I want to do yoga but I don't have enough space in my room.


I've been into Tai Chi for bodily and mental wellbeing for some time, but only now have time to really pay it enough attention. Now that you mention it, I'll be researching yoga and qui gong to do some comparison and get into one or two of them for the time being. I also love progressive muscle relaxation in the mornings.


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If you can exist in your room, you can do yoga in your room.


Thank you, I'll try these out, but I want to do asanas too.


I really can't get into youtube for anything. It sounds silly, but I don't have enough autonomy over the video I'm watching. If I'm reading a book, then I can go at my own pace.
I just put my name on a local Tai Chi mailing list. Do you have any resources on progressive muscle relaxation?


>Do you have any resources on progressive muscle relaxation?
Not really, but this is how I do it. I lay in bed or sitting comfortably, eyes relaxed, and start paying attention to breathing with both belly and chest, and in a relaxed fashion. When my breathing is all nice and regular I see what part of my body is the less relaxed one, try to feel for the ugliest tension. Then, inhale (with that regular relaxed rythm) and focus on the tense muscle, single it out, try to feel where it starts and ends, tense it. Hold the air in for the natural time keeping the muscle tense, then relax that tense muscle while exhaling. Repeat until you're as soft as you like. After this I do some yoga for some twenty minutes, take a bath and start my day. You really feel less tense all the time if you do this.

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