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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Entering my second year of college with all Fs. What do I do now? Drop out? I just wanted a cushy office job…


Don't be soykaf. Work hard.


Start learning?


Drop out, if you're getting all F's then you're obviously not ready for college. Get a job and do some maturing before your fuck up your grades even more.


Had a job last summer working for $14 an hour in a bank vault. I kind of miss it, but I worry if I quit going to college they might fire me and I would be unable to work again without a degree. Part of the reason I was hired was because I was enrolled in college. Thank you anyways, /lain/.

Send geology help.

Doing my best! But my best isn't enough.


>unable to find work without a degree

I got a fine job making well over what you claim to have made at this bank, with a few programming projects on a git server, as a college dropout. Maybe it will take some looking, and some work, but I'm sure you can find something, whatever it is that you do.


>Doing my best! But my best isn't enough.

then work intelligently.

wat r u studying?


Everything that can be learned by someone can be learned by anyone else.


I was just in a similar situation last year. I thought I could transfer to a new school in a new field and fix my problems. Eventually I just dropped out. My current contract is based on my being a student, I haven't told them anything and I never will. My contract is up in just over a month and I really don't know what to do, all I have is work experience.

I don't even know if dropping out was the right call since now I have $14k of debt and I barely make enough to pay my parent's rent. I guess dropping out is prefereable to flunking out.


Not OP, but may I ask what kind of projects? I want to make a portfolio in order to get a job as a webdev. The problem being that I have no professional experience and heading close to 30.
I do am in college for CE but still have a few years before graduating.


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I've been in college for 10 years and I've failed every class except for one called "Magic, Religion and Witchcraft" which I actually tried to pass
That's not to say I didn't learn anything in all the failed classes, nor do I think that I failed, the 'fail' grade is something that the teacher gave me, it's not something that I did on my own. The whole time I was going through a major everlasting downward spiral of poverty and alienation to the point where I thought to become one of those deaf mutes… Just continue or whatever if that's your thing, keep collecting the check, don't take out any loans, grades don't matter, C's get degrees etc.
The main thing is that school as an institution itself is 'retarded' in the fact that it retards your learning. It was not designed for the world that has access to library genesis, and all the world's knowledge at one's fingertips. It was designed for post-enlightenment world where 'scholar' meant something, now everything is simply 'brainSTEM' and the entirety of academia is seized by a class of vampire administrators who take all the funding away from the study of ethics and humanities, causing teachers to make $1,000 / semester and they have to grade papers while driving uber at 8:00 when they should be feeding their kids, and they are all adjunct professors with no benefits and tenure is erased in this fascist hellzone. I simply cannot be arsed to go away from my own study of the occult, programming, art, anthropology, all this stuff, in order to complete baby class liberal deadbrain psychology 101 and all that. I mean think about it, they want you taking 4 courses at a time of all different things. How can you learn like that? Rather take one class and LEARN the material, retake it several times until you can earn a passing grade.
Hope dat helps


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OP don't listen to one fucking word this loser says. When losers lose they blame the system, because it couldn't ave been their fault.

This dude is making an appeal to emotion without aim, and has made claims that are couched in self-pity and hatred for successful people.

One class at a time? Are you fucking high? The fewest number of credits I ever took during a trimester was 21- for four years.

If you have all F's it's virtually for sure your fault. Learn how to study, learn how to manage time, learn how to take tests.

There is value in finishing school, figure out what you want to do- and go for it. Don't listen to this feels over reals commie bullsoykaf artist.


> When losers lose they blame the system, because it couldn't ave been their fault.




Why are you here? This is a cyberpunk board.

Fuck, I hope there arn't anymore like you coming here to soykaf this board up. If we wanted this type of corrosive and non-effective rhetoric, we'd go to /g/


I knew I wasn't fit for this compsci BSc with my spikes of interest instead of constant work-ethic like study habits, but damn boy you're an entirely new level.

It's no wonder that humanities and ethics are faring so badly. They don't really do anything economically viable besides producing not really hype forms of entertainment (text), and the profit for that is mostly taken by publishing companies. As much as we'd love to think that we need people in humanities and ethics to be wise advisers to the people, the people won't listen unless they adapt a language they can understand - which is why anyone who speaks intellectualese or cites texts older than a hundred years are ignored by mostly everyone, except by those who would read these texts and educate themselves anyway. And those who do adapt to the demand of the public by dropping the intellectual and old stuff end up being dangerously close to SJW. There's also the problem that people in humanities are notoriously hostile towards everything modern often refusing to know and understand, making them soykafty advisers as well. You needn't look antique or speak lovecraftian to be intelligent or sensitive to human stuff, and it's pretty useless if that's all you do - and so they do über eight in the morning.


I don't see how he isn't being cyberpunk, the topic of the thread doesn't touch a single thing related to it, so neither does his reply. If anything, he's being more cyberpunk by at least getting things done than the shut-in depressed anime whine bags that riddle lainchan and arisuchan.

I get that his rhetoric isn't what you get used to on /lam/, but the topic isn't like that either. Please elaborate how people who spend 10 years passing one "Magic, Religion and Witchcraft" class are less likely to "soykaf this board up" than someone who can study.


word. i believe a global education reform is in the works. stay tuned.



my work was less related to webdev, but seriously, if you know what you're doing, whip up a few sites. A homepage for yourself, maybe a friend of yours needs something (or a site that could do with a makeover).

In my case this was more related to small coding projects, not webdev. But I'm sure the idea is similar.

It also helps to let people you know, in similar lines of work, that you're looking for work.

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