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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Hey Alice,

I'm going to visit Tokyo in two weeks but last week my depression increased, I resorted to self harm, my best friend is no longer looking after me now she has a boyfriend who reminds me of traumas of the past so I try to avoid him. I'm going to see a psychologist next week but I already got antidepressants, this is my first day and I feel very weird, a bit hyper and I've been posting random soykaf in a group chat.

I am not sure where I am going with my life.


Who's Alice?


what are you going to do in Tokyo?


You're Alice?


What are you doing here?
Just going to take two weeks off usual life, spend some time with my friends, visit places I've never been to, the usual holiday stuff.


>What are you doing here?
I like the cyber


that's good, you sound like you need some time off. try not get yourself involuntarily hospitalized at your psychologists before you go


alice just refers to arisuchan as a whole. lurk a while, we're a slow moving chan :)


fuqq >>1985 to >>1983


I'm afraid the antidepressants will make me feel different, maybe worse. I don't want that when I'm visiting Tokyo. My entire life feels like a mess right now. I ran away from home due to my friend's boyfriend.


Thanks, I'm from the Telegram


woah strange, never knew non arisuchan people were on that

some time away will help definitely even if you feel like soykaf, your still visiting friends which is a different environment to what your currently in.

as much as it sucks you can't control when someone else gets a SO.


I'm sure it's going to be a fun time, just need to get a lot soykaf sorted out and I feel like I'm running out of time, especially since I feel like my depression and anxiety is preventing me from functioning properly.
And I'm actually really happy for her that she got a boyfriend, I just wish he didn't trigger my traumas.


are you in that frequent contact with him? couldn't you just hang out with her when he's not around? or is it so bad that you can't stand being around her anymore?


I live with my best friend and I've never met her boyfriend, I wanted to but then my friend decided he was staying at our place for a whole week, so I ran away. It's been 6 days, they've known each other for 8 days now.


that's pretty fast pace. what's your plan if you see him though? would be a shame if you and your friend got separated because of this. she will side with him if you give the the ultimatum of you vs him. How bad is the trauma & do you see yourself working past it somehow?


I'll give her another chance, I'd like to meet him properly without him staying the night after we meet, and I'm also going to talk with a psychologist, I got two appointments scheduled before I go to Tokyo. The trauma, I just stuffed it away and it never really bothered me during my normal life, I avoided things that could bring it back up but with him that's quite impossible.


im assuming she's aware of the problems you have with him? where you staying now?


She knows about my problems but she's super dense and I don't think she realizes it. She does a lot of things without taking other people in consideration. I stayed a night at a friend and now I'm staying in an empty room I could use but I have to leave tomorrow. I could stay at my sister's place if needed.

I think she just doesn't link my traumas to him, that it's just my anxiety that keeps me away. I could go in detail but I'd rather not on here but I've heard many things that are red flags and only makes me want to stay away more.


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fair. a psychologist will know how to help you handle your situation, but you have to take those steps to make yourself feel better. she can only guide you but you have to take the actions.

i hope you stop self harming and eventually feel better about your life. try enjoy Tokyo and appreciate your friends over there.

goodluck <3


Alice is our version of 4/8chan's "anon", lurk moar


we have a telegram?



I'm going to talk with her today, I hope things get solved.


Have you tried Baldrian tea? It soothes the nerves, helping with anxieties and mental problems and thus symptoms caused by it like nervous heartbeat or bad sleep. Unfortunately I don't have any experience on its effectiveness as I don't have any mental issues, and the one person I know that does refuses to take anything other than pills.

You prepare it by putting 2 tea spoons into cold water, 1/4 liter. You then let it sit for at least 12 hours, but it gets more effective when you wait 24 hours. You take 2 cups, 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening. You can also take more, eg 2 in the evening if you have sleep problems.

If you are in europe chances are there is a herbal store in your region, but they often don't show up on google maps. Alternatively, you could try ordering it from the internet.


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>going to visit Tokyo tee-hee
>my depression
>self harm
>Telegram chat

what have this place become…


A translation for all the non Japanese-speakers:


does it help?


I haven't tried it.

I tried to reason with these people but it didn't work, so I moved to my parents place for the rest of the week.

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