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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1535883557998.jpg (194.17 KB, 833x833, d65eff85b0e6645e7d2e2e9d39….jpg)


i been feeling empty, a few weeks ago, i start to hang out with a girl, she is cute, really smart, have a decent job, and we talk about a lot of fun stuff, but she is so insecure about if i want to be with her, or if she is depress i will be by her side, i stay in his home some nights, we sleep together, she is really sweet and shy, but when we speak in chat, she is cold and distant, like…she´s traying to throw me to the side of the road
i start to fall in love with her, and i dont know what to do, this starts to bring me anxiety, and a feel of despair, i cant sleep, i barely eat, dont talk to much with anyone, spend the day playing videogames, or drawing, only go to class, dont spend too much time outside, i smoke a lot, and drink alcohol almost 4 times at week until the blackout point or get enough drunk to dont feel nothing.
i dont know what to do, and dont know how to feel.
thanks for read Alice


File: 1535891699202.jpg (55.37 KB, 640x467, 6e9ff39dcf5ac2779df82624ed….jpg)

>but she is so insecure about if i want to be with her, or if she is depress i will be by her side
>she is really sweet and shy, but when we speak in chat, she is cold and distant
congrats op. you got yourself one with a bpd a.k.a. "when my so gonna betray me/cheat on me/stab me on the back so let's find out by constantly testing him/her and jeopardizing the entire relationship in the process simulation". i mean it's not 100%, but it generally is. i know it from myself, that's why i don't do relationships at all.


The correct spelling is "Emptiness".
This should fill your soul for a while.


File: 1537106084621.jpg (143.78 KB, 960x473, school-cafeteria-2.jpg)

did you get that picture from the album TeenWitch?
i'd been listening to "Cotton" for a while but i never knew what the title was or anything.
i found it in that album when i searched that image.

wierd coincidence

sorry, idk what you should do about your problem though.
i feel the same rn

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