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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I'm not sure where to post this… or hell even what to title the fucking thread, but I am very curious if anyone has ever heard of anyone else having this experience or something similar.

So I guess I would consider myself almost completely asexual. I rarely if ever think about sex. I sometimes forget that it is even a fucking thing. That being said I can be aroused. If being touched, kissed, etc. But I will almost never become spontaneously aroused or randomly start to think about sex.

However, when I am frustrated. I mean, when I am deeply, painfully, excruciatingly frustrated by something… I sometimes start to get aroused. I will continue trying to figure out whatever the fuck it is and start laughing about my reaction to it, but eventually I get so god damn wet that I have no choice but to stop. At this point I either have to find my boyfriend if I have one or masturbate if I don't.

Afterwards I can go back to debugging or troubleshooting whatever god forsaken thing it was. I don't know what I am even asking anymore.

tl;dr: When most people get frustrated while programming or administrating systems, they go to Stack Overflow. I get wet. What is wrong with me?


well, you will not find an answer in an anonymous image board. we are not licensed psychologists/psychiatrists, even if we were we wouldn't know about your psychological background. it could be a post-traumatic answer/defense mechanism to a stressful event, it could be a maladaptation earned during the early childhood. there are many possibilities, so your best bet would be going to a psychologist. otherwise it's just like asking "my computer just bsod'd, any idea why?".


first off, never in my life has a licensed psychiatrist done anything for me except offering me the services of a state sanctioned drug dealer–listening briefly to my problems and offering a couple of drugs that might help–, and never has a psychologist helped me more than a sympathetic friend to talk to.

In response to the OP: While I don't think I quite get that reaction to the same situation, it seems not at all uncommon to have rare random feelings of arousal. Some people have higher libido than others, and it sounds like you do actually get aroused at appropriate times so I dont really see a problem.

Keep living your life alice, everyone is a little weird


Oh, I get this too, usually when I manage to successfully crack something, or get a bug fixed I get aroused as well, also when I browse shady parts of the internet. Problem is I get a really fuzzy feeling that normally should come along and make me hard, but I just feel sexually aroused without needing to jack off.

It's funny because I have had some girlfriends in the past, but the intensity of this arousal can get very intense. Also, managed to fix this by abstaining from porn / masturbation for 2+ weeks. It doesn't make it go away, it just makes it less intense, but lasts longer, aka more manageable.

You can do what I do and "rewire" your brain to use this as a dopamine boost, while performing tasks that you like and as a result get addicted to work (whatever that is).

Also, some people tend to orgasm faster, under time restrictions and stress (including me). Another reason why public sex is very popular on some people like you and me anon.


>never has a psychologist helped me more than a sympathetic friend to talk to.
never has anything helped me more sympathetic friend to talk to.
i feel like you're not making a very strong statement with this point.


>never has anything helped me more than a sympathetic friend to talk to.


The first problem is that you're not a girl. Present Day, Present Time! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I think it has to do something with both being highly emotional things - frustration and arousal. Activity in one area leaks over to the other one.
If you like that sort of memes, there's also something about how INTJs revert back to sensory pleasure when absolutely overwhelmed.


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I sometimes have problems differentiating positive and negative emotions. When I feel, I might be on the verge of crying out of hopelessness, fear or shame, while also feeling warm inside, smiling or even laughing. There is a longing sensation for loneliness, a desire to wallow in self-hatred and disgust, as if there was a reward for it.

The term for that is ambivalence and it's not an uncommon thing. Nostalgia for example is such a bitter-sweet emotion of missing the good old days while bathing in golden memories. In my case however I have no idea, how to deal with this in the long term, because even if I would be happy and active all the time, there still would be this gloomy temptation to let go and to fall back into blissful melancholy.

It's like I don't want to be happy and now I sound like a teenage emo :'(.


MBTI is pseudoscientific garbage.


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Psychologist here. So, sometimes we do things and we don't know why. Most of the behaviors humans do, whether they're considered normal or not, are called conditioned. That means that we only do them when certain things happen around us. Let's say I place an alarm because I have to wake up. I do it in order to wake up and avoid the consequences of not doing so (getting kicked from work because I was late). Now this only happens when I have to work the next day, so I wouldn't place an alarm on a Sunday.

>However, when I am frustrated. I mean, when I am deeply, painfully, excruciatingly frustrated by something… I sometimes start to get aroused.

What you say that happens: you get aroused. Let's say that you masturbate afterwards. Masturbating feels pretty good. Normally, you have other ways of feeling good, like watching TV, reading, etc., but when you get stressed out, you get aroused. This is conditioned behavior. So let's say that the opposite would happen: you stress out but you do not get aroused; what would happen? You probably would stay stressed out in an very intense and lasting manner. Not good. So why do you masturbate? To relieve the stress. Simple. Why masturbate and not going out with your bike or to the gym? (1) It's very easy, more that getting ready to take the bike (getting dressed, pouring water in the bottle…). The premise is that this worked for you once early on, and you maintained the "habit." So that doesn't explain getting aroused. See, in order to masturbate to obtain relief, which is something that you learned to do, you have to be aroused. This is important, because what you need to do to masturbate and feel relief is: (1) stress out (feel pain/fear), and then (2) get aroused. You cannot relief yourself if this does not happen. Most people don't need (1), but need an alternative, like being bored. This allows us to understand the compulsive masturbating of people that spend a lot of time on the internet. It feels good, so when the video they are watching on YouTube finishes, what do they do? Remember, they need constant "relief"; so when the video ends, you're not doing anything! Bad: You masturbate. Good.

And that's that.

>tl;dr: When most people get frustrated while programming or administrating systems, they go to Stack Overflow. I get wet. What is wrong with me?

I masturbate a lot when I have to study/review papers. It's because of what I said: it's conditioned behavior – feels good. When do I need to feel good the most? When I'm stressed as fuck.

Nothing's wrong with you; you are a normal, learning human being.


Yo yo, I understand what this person is saying and I acknowledge most of it, except…
>Nothing's wrong with you; you are a normal, learning human being.
Now that's not good at all. Masturbating instead of going to stack overflow instantly significantly reduces your effectiveness. This is the kind of thing why humans aren't really the best for doing their own work. An android would not get frustrated, aroused, but would simply keep trying on cracking the problem until its reasonable, and then move on to stack overflow when that's reasonable.
I understand why you're creeped out by human flaws OP, but do not worry. Someone somewhere will eventually find a fix for that too.


That means OP's problem is a normal problem. It doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed for better effectivenes or that it's not a problem at all. However, OP would probably be even les effective if she didn't masturbate and tried to check Stack instead.


>MBTI is pseudoscientific garbage.
Speaking as an INTJ, I totally agree.


> Masturbating instead of going to stack overflow instantly significantly reduces your effectiveness

This also assumes that the people who continue working even when they are ineffective, are ultimately more productive. I'm not really sure this is the case, and I'm at least sometimes far better at working when I take breaks and think slowly about things, when I hit walls.

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