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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I feel like the last light in my heart has finally died out.
I know that she'll never have the same feelings for me that i have for her,
but just talking to her and seeing her was enough to keep me going.
The last person that made me feel like life was worth living

Shes moving to another state and now i have nothing to live for.
I should have moved on a year ago but jesus fucking christ no one else has ever
made me feel the way i feel when i'm around her

I've always felt so fucking alone in life, i have friends, and i have family, yet i've
always felt so fucking lonely, my thresholds been reached and i can't handle it anymore.
Everything has lost all meaning to me and i just want to disappear

i feel disgusting writing this


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in due time you'll find someone that makes you forget how you felt about this person because the new person will make you feel all sorts of new ways for someone. Soon you'll find someone that feels this for you. Your future self is thanking your current self for continuing.


This is really sad, I hope things get better for you, I think you are pretty upset right now so don't overreact because you might end up regretting it later.
Just because your friend is moving away doesn't mean she is gone forever, remember. If you are close enough, you can send eachother messages every day. Also, you could try meeting up, maybe organize a holiday together or something. i very much doubt you two will never see eachother again.
>I should have moved on a year ago
I know this is going to hurt but by the sounds of things, her moving away might be the chance you need to branch out, find new people and stop living in someone elses shadow, make your own light.

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