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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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im feeling unreal. I have a lot of skills, friends, hardware. But i have a feeling that its not mine and its only a dream. I know pre-stories of my actions but im strongly feeling unreal.
A lot of people confuse me with somebody else. I dont know them.
A lot of strange things are occuring with me.
What should i do, Alice?


mild derealization happens to me as well from time to time, mostly tied to sleep problems - trying to get more sleep can definitely help, but as with any vague mental thing it can have any number of causes (particularly stress)


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That sounds like depersonalization/derealization disorder (see attached). I still experience dp/dr pretty severely from time to time, but I've also discovered some things that seem to help somewhat.

Add plants to your room. Add more color too. Don't use blackout curtains. Welcome natural light. Stay awake during the day. Sleep at night. Do light therapy in the morning.

Stay away from philosophy. Avoid math. Try not to think about physics.

Don't look at glitch art. Don't do lucid dreaming. Especially not reality testing. Don't take psychedelic/hallucinogenic drugs. This includes THC, which is perhaps the absolute most powerful hallucinogen at sufficiently high doses.

Avoid fluorescent overhead lighting. Install Flux on your desktop. Install Twilight on your phone. If you can, look up at the stars.

Don't fill your entire visual field with screens or a completely artificial environment. Push your monitors back a bit. You can always increase the text size.

Try to eat more natural foods. Don't eat at the computer. Just eat. Don't drink Soylent. Take fish oil and magnesium supplements. Go outside for walks. Go to the park. Consider not listening to music while you do so.

Use computers less. Replace the fans in your computer if they are too loud. Get your computer out of your bedroom if you can. Rearrange your rooms such that there isn't a wall directly behind where you spend most of your time looking.

Take a deep breathe. Practice mindfulness meditation. Be careful though. It can cause problems for some of us.

Try not to read into your personal experiences too much.

That's all I can think of for now. I Hope you feel better, Alice.


Whats wrong with physics? I would've thought that studying meatspace would help you feel more connected with it.


Physics isn't really studying meatspace. It's more about studying theories of other people who studied meatspace all their lives. So you can reach a point where you understand their theories well enough that while studying meatspace yourself, you'll be extending their theories or at least not reinventing them.
Also, studying physics is full of: things aren't what they seem, for they are in fact just extremely small/abstract invisible stuff that you can never experience or understand through your senses.
If you think about it, the only differences between studying the bible and studying physics are:
-physics doesn't seem to care about things you can't measure
- physics is more shy than the bible when it comes to prediction, but those things it dares to predict it predicts precisely


You forgot that physicists, or at least the ones with enough funding, are running experiments and are actually measuring things. It's not just mathematics, in the end it really must come back to meatspace otherwise it's not physics.


Nah, I didn't forget that, it's just that people with dp/dr don't get to be those physicists, as they are busy freaking the fuck out.



Not a physicist but freaking out didn't stop John Nash… just meant he had to take "vacations". I'm not referring to that sh¡tty movie they made about him either.

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