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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Haven't you ever felt that everything you're doing is out of some deep, angry feeling you have inside of yourself?

This is a question I've been making myself for some time. Sometimes I feel that I just want revenge from all the pain I've suffered in my short life. Of course it is nothing actually painful. But it still hit me so hard that I still remember those events and I cling to it with passion and ire.

I do not let things go easily. I can already tell that about myself. I've been mad for the past couple of years because of how much I hated being me and how much I hated how things turned out in my life. Yes, I know, I can't change the past, but that doesn't quit the fact that it happened. And I have a hard time trying to cope that.

Once I wrote an article about how mad I was at this so-called god, who created me in a way that I couldn't achieve my highest aspirations. Maybe the reason why I hate the idea of religion is not because of some logic (although there is logic too) but because I hated how people could believe there was someone out there who could help them… and he couldn't help me… or didn't wanted to help me.

I don't know, sorry if this came out as a rant, but I seriously needed it.

Nowadays everything out there screams for happiness and love, and there's no room for raw emotions such as anger.

I would like to destroy everything and start again, but I know there's no way back…



It is better to write all of this off. One of the best things I have ever done was to keep a daily to register everything that I felt or thought. Because literally what you feel and think is what you are. The daily would develop things that could help you to be a better version of yourself, even if it is not the goal.
In my case I was internally perfectionist with myself, I used to have a systematic/neurotic personality, in a nutshell I had traits of mania, as methods of self defense for my ego. This idea can be of much harm for someone to keep, forcing the person to be self destructive.
But the best thing I can say is not to be sorry to be who you are. Nonetheless not to be afraid of who you are. Happiness is only a problem if you can't adapt to your situation.


For one, a good thing to do is write how you feel because it brings a different outlook on what you're going through than emotions alone, which can be deceiving. You'll understand yourself better and find things always missed.
Letting go is practice, telling yourself it has happened but now you have to look foward. Simple, hard and without an obvious feedback but necessary.

>who created me in a way that I couldn't achieve my highest aspirations

That is a problem because you're transfering guilt (rightful or not) to something else, it is a blinding slippery slope making it hard for you to distinguish what is just life, your fault and another's fault. You're not meant to achieve your highest aspirations, that is something you may or may be able to do but only you can try.

>Nowadays everything out there screams for happiness and love, and there's no room for raw emotions such as anger.

I don't think that is true, it's just that people want to see them more than it is possible, trying a forced utopical reality that everyone knows to be false.


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Your anger is a gift.


>Haven't you ever felt that everything you're doing is out of some deep, angry feeling you have inside of yourself?

no i only hate myself and even that's usualyl too much effort.

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