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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Not long ago my best friend shot himself. I was asleep, and I didn't know until the next day.

I knew that there were warning signs. He had talked about suicide, and just a few days beforehand he had sent me a message, saying he really wanted to talk to someone. I had an argument a few days before and just didn't respond, until he sent me an email that I chose to speed-read, missing the point. At that point, he was dead, that was his suicide note, but I only knew about it after the fact.

It's weird, it hit me hard at first but I had a few hours where I barely thought about it. It's eerie. We fought a lot, and had a few big ones before he made his decision. I can't help but feel like I skipped the signs, and that his blood is on my hands. That is a reality that I keep coming back to.

In other words, has anyone lost a friend? A close one? Or just in general, since I'm not really understanding the roller coaster of emotion at the moment.


I've lost friends, sure,
but not to god.


What do you mean?


A dear friend of mine told me she was going to kill herself a few days before she did. I told her I wouldn't tell anyone and I didn't. Her blood is probably on my hands, so we can match OP.

As for grief, I can only say listen to your heart. If you have regrets, commit them to memory so you won't make the same mistakes again. If you're prepared to make those same mistakes again, maybe they aren't really regrets. I would recommend going through a lot of self introspection, taking care to understand and love yourself, and approach your past actions from a place of understanding. You should atleast understand why you've done what you've done in your past, even if you would choose to do something else now.

As for grief, I think the most important thing for you to do at this point is have a hard core feelings jam with yourself, make sure you're honest, just come to terms with how you feel. It won't be fun, but it's necessary for growth. The alternative is complete and utter emotional stagnation.


Additionally, he was a lainon. Introduced me to the anime and frequented the usual sites as or more often than I did, which is especially soykaf.


Better be dead than living in neverending misery. If one desides than being alive is unbearable to such degree that suicide is a viable option, we cannot judge them.
Don't pity yourself too much. He's dead, but you're alive. Learn your lesson here about communication and move on.


I always see suicide as such a selfish act. End your own misery to ensure the misery of others.
It hurts you, but ending it all hurts others more


This, but if the people whose misery you're ensuring didn't care enough about you to prevent you killing yourself in the first place, is it really selfish?


How are the others not selfish, then?
Wanting a friend to suffer through life, because of the pain of losing that person, is a very cruel thing to do.


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This. Brainlets never understand this. Go be his girlfriend then. Go suck him off. Go spend time with him. Be his partner to go to parks, cafes, movies, concerts. Sit with him on his lectures. Call him, offer your physical and emotional help always. And not in a token way, in a geniune way, in a way that matters.
Oh right you wont, so dont give that bullsoykaf then about suicide being selfish. Suicidee is experiencing his life, soykaf life, 100%. For you, for others, how much is that percentage? Suicidee's life is maybe 1%, 5% or 15% for you. Can't be much more, he's suicidal lmao, what he has? Even if it's loving mother, or MAYBE even a girlfriend, how much is the percentage? 55% well sorry that's still not 100% that actual person has to live with.
This cant be argued against, this cant be argued with, all you can is appeal to emotions like the patronizing feel good bullsoykaf normal person you are.
Cheers, Suicidee


Wait. If I don't suck someone's cock and they kill themselves, this is my fault?


why the fuck were two posts deleted from this thread fucking cunts on moderators??????????????????



The reason for post being deleted are simple.

The post were toxic and didn't participated in any way shape or form to the conversation. When someone break rule it's our job to apply them. Consider yourself warn.


I'm the other Alice who's post got deleted. Apparently you mistake playful jousting with "toxic" content just like they did on that other site we all left behind. Traffic is slow enough here, a little fun and games would not go amiss.



The action was taken by administrator. If you want to discuss it go on /q/.

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