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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1523534503727.gif (303.35 KB, 480x270, u are great and i love u.gif)


> I don't know.
Do you want to talk about it?


I would also be willing to talk about it with you…. Curious as to why it replaced the donation drive announcment….


File: 1523549419344.png (77.36 KB, 318x700, 10.png)

>Curious as to why it replaced the donation drive announcment….
I'm tired of asking for money and I don't have much else to say right now? I don't know.

Thank you for asking, OP.


Hey Seph I have another question
Do you have a carefully collected repository of high quality images, but you can only post each once and this limits the number of posts you can make?


Things are that bad huh?


Hi Seph, I don't come too often these days but I'm a long time user and I am thankful that you've kept this up and running. I mean, I like both sites but this one is more comfy.
Hope it all goes well for you, I know you'll make it, you seem to be much more clear-headed than kalyx.
And if I get to make some money these months I'll be sure to show my support but for the time being my best wishes will have to do.
Ganbatte, Seph-chan!

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