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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1494795597875.png (174.3 KB, 355x436, anime girl with headphones.png)


I'm running out of music that I feel comfortable listening to. Almost every song that I have already listened to reminds me of some sad or depressing day when I heard the song, and I can't get over how it feels. Green Day is the absolute worst example–I have had a bad habit in the past of bingeing a single album of theirs on repeat when I feel like soykaf, but it spoils all their music for me and I can't listen to it anymore.

I don't think there's a cure. If there is, let me know–but I just wanted to see if others know what I'm talking about. I'm currently listening to We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn and Je Ne Regrette Rien by Edith Piaf (two remarkably similar songs) and We'll Meet Again is already starting to give me images of nuclear holocaust.


With the amount of music available online, can't you just find new music to listen to?


The Presets - Apocalypso is the smell of 1970's film cameras and breaking up with my first girlfriend. Radiohead is the sound of crippling depression and isolation. Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon is the sound of nearly killing myself a few times.

Yeah seriously, find some new fucking music to listen to.

Like Eurobeat.


Find something you like on bandcamp and go nuts


>chose a genre
>go to rym top charts
>pic the first album with cover or text that you like


I like internet radios, it feels different than listening to the static file. The soma radios are nice, there's the lainchan radios, there's


I recommend making a account. You can attach it to a spotify account (or any other music streaming service) and it tracks what you listen to on your profile and actually gives you good recommendations based off of what you listen to. A lot of the stuff im listening to currently is recommendations from


Music is escapism.
There's no solution to your problem but not to listen to music and do other more meaningful activities.



when i need new music, i only use RYM if i'm really desperate for a specific subgenre. otherwise, youtube suggestions / spotify related artists / similar artists: those functions are my go-tos, besides genre-specific forums. also, there's a site i use for specific genre music leaks where i'll check out the samples linked to each leak post.

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