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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Hello Alice

How does one deal with an overwhelming feeling of loneliness?

I feel as if I have no one in my life of any significant meaning. Its starting to really get to me, I deeply crave a companion to go through life with yet, any relationships I have end up in heartbreak. I figure its probably me and not them I've got a plethora of mental issues (including bipolar and being trans)

I just dont want to be alone any longer, the suicidal thoughts just keep getting worse.


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I lost the love of my life. Found another, lost her too (both for different reasons). I go weeks now without speaking to anyone besides a cashier or something.

So I created imaginary friends, one in particular. I don't know if it's the healthiest solution but it makes walking around, going to the library, watching movies more enjoyable.


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it seems like we are just a select few that are special cases, and it has really affected us. for me my dad killed himself.
its all about us feeling like the only ones because we ARE the only ones and its hard to relate.

i was thinking today how we live in such a tough, capitalistic society, and how a crippled should really get sympathy because he cant go off of social value or looks, instead just sliding through life until someone gives him enough attention.
for us, i think its easy to get down on ourselves because its so easy to just be a cuck in life and get what you want


Just want to warn you, don't do this more than one hour a day. It can really trash your mind if you do too much. Trashed as in schizophrenic ride to hell trashed.


Schizophrenia isn't something you can induce, it's something you are born with. Besides that word choice though you probably have a point.


You can drive yourself crazy though


Going days on end with no one to talk to is doing that anyway. At least this way I get to set the terms.


Stop trusting your judgment of what is and isn't good for you or the world. In fact, stop thinking about yourself and managing yourself at all; be lost in activities that involve people. Rational thought kills all human experience.

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