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Kalyx ######

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Hello lain
I have recently been drawing more and posting it online. Within less than a week, I made about 100 followers or so but I felt nothing. I have always been told I was good at drawing and a apart of me thinks I only continued because of that. The process of drawing was once fun and something I could do all day for years but now its just me forcing myself out of a feeling of obligation to post something. I think im going to stop posting and look else where. I hope another creative outlet will bring me happiness and fulfillment like drawing once did. Have you felt the same? What are your creative outlets and hobbies? and do they bring you happiness and fulfillment? thanks for reading lain.


throughout middle and highschool whenever a project was assigned in any class I would just program an entire game, instead of doing a powerpoint etc. if it was a group project i usually had to do 100% of it. I needed to ensure that what i turned in was obviously best in class, so this basically meant "make a game".

im not tired of programming OP, but I know the feeling of apathy you describe more generally. i could never program to impress others nowadays. my projects are all academic soykaf that i actually avoid showing to people. when im working on them i can forget that anything else exists, which is all that matters.

maybe you haven't developed an unhealthy obsession which can take you beyond the need for impressing others. needing to escape your own consciousness is one way to develop an unhealthy obsession, but i think there's plenty of others.


I make art too. When I get too tired of whatever I'm doing i'll try to find a new style or technique to work with. The last things I got into are graffiti rollers (unfortunately this isn't for the basement dwellers, sorry) and most recently pixel art. There are so many fun things to do if you want to be creative. Eventually you'll come back to your old interests or you keep doing whatever new thing you've found. It doesn't matter as long as you have fun and enjoy your work.

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