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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I know you don't hate me, but i wish you did so i could go on with my life without pretending there would ever be a way to be with you.

vent your feels alice


I wish I could cut myself off from the real world, cut myself off from the things in real life because I cause too many problems, and at least I can control where I go and who I interact with on the wired. I cause too much harm than good. I don't know how people can deal with me, but they do, even though I know they'll be tired of me eventually. I'm not a particularly interesting person, nor am I really positive or anything, so getting rid of me isn't all that hard. I just need to get into the habit of avoiding other people, and I think, then, things will be okay.


I miss my mebbies! TOT


I feel your feels alice.
I'll figure out a way to merge my consciousness into the wired eventually.

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