After a long period of self searching I landed in the cyberpunk world. And it has given me freedom, in the sense of how I feel towards others. People will label me all sorts of things, but it doesn't have to be true. I want to be a cyberpunk but at the same time I don't want to label myself as such a ""cyberpunk"" otherwise it becomes cliché.
I have to integrate it to myself
Not wanting to be labeled is the newest, hypest mass-brand label subculture. Everyone wants to be labeled "no label". I'd rather be labeled and be a normal person than such a bloody hipster.
> _ahead of the hype_
>>1298I think your logic is flawed.
>Not wanting to be labeled is the newest, hypest mass-brand label subculture.I agree.
>I'd rather be labeled and be a normal person than such a bloody hipster.Is this not exactly the mindless contrarianism you find disagree-able with the populations not wanting to be labeled?
>>1299It kinda is, indeed. But so is trying to find something that is even more outside-of-the-box. The while point of labels is to roughly cover the entire world in a bunch of joint sets that let you quickly locate things. We reached a point where people are producing sets so small that it's impossible to know all of them, and it's also impossible to be something that is unique or hipster because everything is already covered. So the only winning strategy is not to play anymore.
>>1306>the only winning strategy is not to play anymore.My thoughts exactly.
>>1298> newestDid I time travel to 1993 or something?