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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1518902748754.jpg (2.26 MB, 2542x1874, ocean_sun_rising_by_zjesse….jpg)


I keep torturing myself. I cant take up any hobby like programming because i always need to pick up my study backlog. But my discipline is soykaf when i study, i continually disrupt my work with reflex opening of a site to procrastinate on.
The end result is that i spend all my time on soykaf sites made to waste my time with worthless trivia.


Try to turn off the internet. It helps me


Get away from your computer.

If you need to study, pack your books, if you have a laptop and phone leave them behind, go to a library, find a cubicle and work. There's no easy way around your own distractions, taking the easy way is why you have a problem in the first place.

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