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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Hey alice
Its me , the poster of a subject about deciding whether or not to move to seattle or to stay with her, you might have read it, might not, it dosnt matter. she just called and told me that she cares a lot about me but just as a friend and that we can stay that way but she just dosnt feel that physical connection. That "its not you its me" stuff. Im just numb. I dont know what to think now. Im just… done. Any thoughts on the matter would be nice. Thanks for reading friend


its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all friend…

It'll get better and you'll find someone new that loves you


You will be fine. Relationships are memes. Seriously. Enjoy the friendship. A real friendship is a thousand times better than a shaky love.


Nice, so now you are bound by reason to listen to all our posts saying you should get your ass to Seattle. I'm glad things turned out this way. You will be too, when things start to go well with ?????.
Also, don't get into friendships and relationships if you are not ready to lose them. I'm not saying you shouldn't feel like soykaf for weeks or till the end of your days when they end, but if a relationship is the most important thing in your life, you're a hollow being covering it up.


Any advice on how to find what's the most important thing in my life? I knew it sounds pathetic but I never realized how dependent I am on external things giving me meaning. I put so much into this relationship and for it to end just made me realize how empty I feel. I want to be able to feel good and driven regardless of what happens to me but I don't know how.


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I have 4-5 things I want to write down and I can't chain them nicely at all.
First off, forget the magic ball. Thinking about "why" is like trying to pick a computer apart; you will eventually find a way to pick it apart, and while you do the computer loses its functionality. You will never have a meaning to your life that will withstand all the doubt you can throw at it.

Second, nihilism is flawed reasoning. A lot of people, upon realizing that any meaning given to life can be picked apart (just like any human can be killed, every feeling described as chemicals in your brain), they suddenly disclaim that there is no (objective) meaning at all. That's like saying there are no living humans at all, or no feelings at all. Meaning can be picked apart and destroyed precisely because it's in a two-ways relation with other things. Displace those other things, and you've displaced meaning; put those other things in place, and meaning will happen. It indeed won't be the eternally-shining-infinite-power-hope-giving-magical-girl-angel that some people think it is. Like I said, no magic ball.

Third, the world is more complex than you. You are part of it regardless of any "me vs the world" distinction you might harbor, and so whatever is in your head, whatever precise facts or deeply abstract theories, you won't be able to change them into one another, you will not understand most of the world. You are complex enough to understand just one or a few things though, if you mostly disregard their connections to everything else. This is great news: you can understand one thing so well that it becomes meaningless, but if you have many important things in your life, it will become too difficult to take apart, and thus will remain meaningful.

Fourth, the problem of supply/demand. Most of your troubles seem to come from not having enough people that love you / you love, while IIRC you mentioned in the previous thread that you're destroying high school. It's clear as day that you have too much of one thing and too little of other things; This is especially a problem because you always had easy school and had that one person for a long time. Your academic success feels like a given, and no amount of conscious effort can change that; you'll need something tough enough to make you fail, but not so tought that you give up. You also need to find several people you like a little, and I think the fastest way for that is nothing too deep, hobbies and such.

Fifth, if you have many important things, they will likely conflict, and you'll have to make choices. This itself is a challenge that sucks if too hard, but keep you above cloud level if you just somehow manage to solve it. You just met a situation where it was too hard, don't let it dishearten you and by no means get any ideas of trying to find just one important thing so it never happens again.

Last, I'm not entirely sure how to "suddenly find something important" or if that's even possible. You might need some force and hype, fake it 'till you make it stuff. I know that I have never been a party person, never cared to go, was too loud and aggressive and how do people even dance and oh god they get drunk what if they reveal something embarassing about themselves or just create an embarassment? Then I went to college & dorms, and just hyped the idea of party up on the first week, while the welcome to uni parties and stuff were happening, and it was enjoyable. I don't go as much as initially anymore, but it became an option that I could further extend. Some of such things eventually begin to snowball, and before you know it you have too much meaning in life and not enough time.

PS I'm gonna destroy any reputation this post might have by attaching a certain image, and hope you get to read it before a potential ban occurs.


(Side note) Thanks to everyone for all the support, you guys feel like my only friends tbh

[Update] we talked again and we are cool like old times, like the entire time we dated was just dream I woke up from. While I'm happy this relationship was saved I hate how empty and alone I feel again with no one who takes the time to call or text me daily or hold and be close to. Im back to where the world feels grey and I just wake up, go to school, come home, sleep and repeat. Nothing in between to divide the monotony and give me a reason to look forward to the day like she did. I know its for the best but it hurts and I feel bored with life again.

So as for this post I get what you are saying, I should look for something that challenges me and forces me to expand my horizons thus giving my life some form of meaning I create. Aslo lol that pic

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