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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Alice? Is that your name? Hey!

I've been struggling a lot recently, and it's hindering my ability to do my usual math-heavy programming. It's not focus that I'm having trouble with, but rather getting out of that focus state and being able to see things as bigger pictures. In one book I read, I saw it get called "diffuse mode." Clearing out your working memory and looking at things from a general perspective. It happens just before and just after I sleep, but, I can't just take a nap at work.

What is your way to enter this state?


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I walk. Sometimes even just walking to the toilet and back helps, but long walks on the fresh air are the best. Supposedly anything works that distracts you from the work and doesn't require intense concentration.

But if you are just after the "big picture," explaining the situation to someone else might just do it. It doesn't have to be an actual person, rubber duck debugging might be even better. If you don't want to talk aloud, writing about it works the same way. You could even get yourself a chatbot that just randomly replies "I see", "oh", "right" and variations, I bet that would actually help a lot of people.


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Something that I started doing randomly one day and seems to help me is taking days to simply plan things and writing things down. Doing silly things as formatting the text, formatting equations and illustrating things seems to help putting my mind in a more abstract status. The days I do this I refrain from writing code and focus more on thinking about writing about the required steps.

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