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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Alice: I have something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I want to find someone with which I can become "twins," i.e., as similar in appearance and thought as possible. I want to see how far that can go and I think it would be a really valuable thing to have. I'm not entirely sure how to go about doing this though. My plan so far is: find someone interested, willing, and already enough like me that there wouldn't be too much left to "synchronize" on, and then spend years attempting to reconcile any remaining physical and mental differences between us. We'd refer to ourselves collectively / singularly (either "we" or "I") to facilitate the synchronization (probably "I" since it doesn't sound as weird in regular conversation), and physically spend as much time together as possible, eating, sleeping, doing the same thing. I would expect each of us to both gain each other's interests and lose interests not shared by the other, which is why it's important to minimize the number of differences up front by selecting carefully.

Due to its nature, the project would of course require a massive amount of commitment on the part of both people, and would last a major part of our lives, if not our entire life.

The hard part here is finding someone that would fit my criteria (and who would judge me to fit their criteria). Where should I look? Not necessarily looking for someone on here, just want to know what your thoughts are. The kind of person I am might influence where I should look. Here's a few details about me that are relevant in my search:

- Male to female trans, so other person should probably either also be MtF trans or biologically female. Considered doing this with a "male", but I think there would be too many differences.
- Considers themself to have strong principles, and prefers strong ethics (example of a "strong" ethic: hippocratic oath)
- Used to be politically left, but now not so much. Values freedom and individuality.
- Wants to be strong and capable of fighting with a variety of weapons / methods. Trains regularly to try to achieve this.
- Computer programmer (systems programming)
- I have a lifelong commitment of service and love to someone - to me they are in effect my master.
- In my mid 20s

What are your thoughts Alice? Is this too crazy to work? Do you have suggestions?



Outside of being married and a systems technician sounds like me tbfam.



Thanks for the link Alice, this sounds very similar to what I want to do, although I'm not sure on the $200,000 worth of surgeries thing.


That's another potential difficulty with this - since I'm already in a romantic relationship, that would extend to the other person, which wouldn't work out so well if the person had other romantic / sexual interests.


you're likely to encounter major obstacles in trying to follow both interests.


Possibly. Someone lonely / looking to be loved and cared for would fit in very well though I think. Serving a master might be one of the things they'd have to adapt to, and then to make it fair I'd have to accept one of their preexisting characteristics of comparable significance. Looking in BDSM communities might help - plenty of alternatively minded people there. I'm expecting some degree of tradeoff, people aren't usually identical.


You've said a lot about what you want vut very little about the most important question: why?


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Sounds like me spare being an actual programmer, and "training" (I like guns, but eh). I think you probably would be able to find someone like that. MtF trans people often have very similar defining characteristics.

I don't really get why you would want to do such a thing, but as for where to look, I guess the web is as good a place to start as any. There's weirder people here. If you live in a large city, you shouldn't have too much problem finding someone who might be interested, but imho, I doubt you'd like it that much.


There are two stories you are probably already familiar with, but in case:
A (very) short story about a couple merging themselves into one being
A Nietzschean novel about twin brothers achieving superhuman status together - The Notebook by Agota Kristof


First, thank you everyone for your input. It's all really valuable.

Three reasons:
- It would be a very intimate experience, which is valuable to me by itself. I want to have interesting, meaningful experiences in my life.
- Having multiple bodies is useful.
- It would increase my recursive ability. Everyone else is stuck with only being able to reflect on themselves from their own internal perspective, but having another "you" in physical existence might expand your ability to think about yourself.

>If you live in a large city, you shouldn't have too much problem finding someone who might be interested
I live near enough one, so that makes me optimistic.
>but imho, I doubt you'd like it that much.
What do you mean by that?

Thank you for these!


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I'm starting to see OP having weird impossible ideas about reality again, please don't be another hallucination
Don't worry, it's real. OP is messed up
But how can we be sure? He has no online footprint, nothing to hack, ALiCE tier infosec. How do we check?
Just trust me on this one


>MtF trans people often have very similar defining characteristics.

Like being batsoykaf crazy lefties?

Nah thats only the vocal (activist) ones :P
Ruining it for the rest of us.

I'm MtF myself, I found that since I got married my wife and I have slowly gotten more similar to one another. I'm talking 10 years of un interrupted marriage. We have for the most part become extremely loyal and hold the same views on a lot of subjects. In essence we have achieved what OP wants, but not to an such a extreme extent.

OP, time will get you what you want if you relationship lasts.


Well I was actually referring to facial characteristics (should have been more clear), but I suppose that could expand that to interests as well.


Yeah true, no matter what I do I'll look like arse in the face.

God damn it.


I've also realized that if there could be other people looking for the same thing I am. I've done some searching but I can't find anything even remotely similar to what I'm looking for. I'm not completely sure what search terms would yield useful results.

It might not work so well in my case, since although our opinions on things have definitely converged (mostly mine being replaced with his), our relationship is very hierarchical, and we both like it that way.


I was thinking "man this kid has issues"

>"- Male to female trans"

There it is.

In all seriousness it's nearly impossible to find an average person that remotely interested or capable of doing something like this with you, so narrowing that to less than a hundredth of the original pool of possible candidates makes that a nigh impossible task. Not to mention you're in your twenties.

It's rare enough that twins end up that way growing up - I think it's rather naive to think you can pull that off through willpower alone as an adult with a complete stranger

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