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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1515835276875.gif (180 KB, 499x386, 1790ffe7604e113b13b242e625….gif)


I would like to have sex with someone as ugly and unfeeling as I am.


That would be extremely painful


I'm a big guy


Get a full length mirror and a fleshlight. Cut a hole in the mirror and put the fleshlight behind it.


Unfortunately this is not going to work, since I have not passed the mirror stage yet, according to my Lacanian therapist.
She says that's the only possible explanation of why my sense of self is so fragmented.


At least you're not still stuck in the Real. The Lacanian I was seeing gave up and sent me to a Behaviorist, who had to teach me how to talk with a pouch of gummy bears and a cattle prod.


We all end up with Behaviourists.


Made me chuckle

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