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Kalyx ######

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hello all who take the time to read this. for a while my family has been planning to leave Texas and leave to start a new life in Seattle after ive graduated high school, which is soon approaching. I was perfectly fine with this considering we have moved around quite a few times all my life and i was never one to be good at making or keeping friends, In addition I had always done well in school and knew if i tried I could be successful anywhere so if we moved I saw no problem. But the truth is I really hoped every time we moved I would find something that would make me feel happy or make a connection that would stay. Even though I did well in school, it gave me no fulfillment no matter how proud I made my family. It all just felt empty and I was passively fading through life.That was until I met this girl who later became my best friend, Only real friend ive ever had really, and girlfriend. Being with her has been the first time in a long time Ive actually been happy and connected to someone. I love her to death but she has little to no ambition along with many other problems, mostly mental, and is perfectly fine living an average life in this sleepy boring town and cant come with me if i were to choose to go. by the time i graduate i will have the choice to stay with her or go live in Seattle. I dont know what to do. Academic success has brought me no happiness sand I question success in my career will either in seattle, especially when Im all alone again.but this girl has. But staying would mean im on my own and and would have to give up going to college so I can work to support myself and risk a relationship that might fail in the future and risk regretting all that I gave up to have this average life.Do I go to Seattle where I will have more opportunity and be more successful in my career or stay in this small town in Texas and settle down with her?



leave her. the thing about love is that it's the world to you when you're in it, but once you leave you realize that it didn't really matter. your future self will thank you greatly. a degree and stable living conditions are more valuable than living with a mentally unstable partner


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> until I met this girl who later became my best friend, Only real friend ive ever had really, and girlfriend. Being with her has been the first time in a long time Ive actually been happy and connected to someone. I love her to death but she has little to no ambition along with many other problems, mostly mental, and is perfectly fine living an average life in this sleepy boring town and cant come with me if i were to choose to go. by the time i graduate i will have the choice to stay with her or go live in Seattle. I dont know what to do
Give her the D


If you ask someone about it, you should leave


Unfortunately this, if it's a hard decision it's not worth rolling the dice, you're gonna end up leaving people behind your whole life, you might have a few soykafty nights but you'll get used to it.


There are always opportunities to find love and companionship. There are not always opportunities to do something meaningful with your life. Go to Seattle.


Yeah I'd have to agree.

If this girl was the love of your life, didn't have any obvious mental problems, maybe it would be a good idea to stay, but the fact that you're asking shows that it wouldn't be a good decision. You can find love elsewhere, as soykafty as it is to say.


So you are about to finish high school, right?
Sorry kiddo, but the first thing to consider is that your relationship so far has not yet been tested in an environment where you have to work. Work means you go home tired and empty inside, and would love if someone did the laundry cooking cleaning etc stuff for you; now, if
>she has little to no ambition along with many other problems, mostly mental
is what I think it is, chances are you'll be doing that too, which means you won't have energy or time to actually enjoy the company and be with this girl the way you've been until now. Add that you are young (read: you have little first-hand statistical data that your intuition can rely on in predicting your future emotions and behavior and needs), and you're basically betting your best chance to climb into cyberpunk coolness on your first successful attempt in friendship.

We're glad you finally found someone close, got a girlfriend and all. Still there's a high chance that the changes coming will break things down, it'll feel like she changed or you changed - because you will, you'll be supporting yourself, keeping a house up, and having significantly less time to not be serious. You seem to approach this situation like your only chance at love, which is just plain hilarious. Don't stop trying just because you did it once, you can do again. Most importantly though, love is not a requirement of happiness, and as you have already stated you're looking for happiness. Since you've barely found any so far, major change seems a wise choice.
Last of all, you don't wanna listen to people go "Ah, if I had the smarts to go to college like you do, I sure as hell would've!".


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Invite this girl into your life, that's the only thing you can do. you choose where you want to live and work. then its her choice if she wants to be with you. i don't want you regretting this in the future that you missed a opportunity with a girl you really liked. i thought i could handle it but it eats you from the inside.

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