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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I only have 15 days left.

Over the last two years I've been reduced to the state I'm in now. I can't eat even if I force myself I just puke it back up. Can't sleep normally and just pass out. Have no motivation what so ever and things I used to enjoy I'm now sick of so I end up staring into blank space until the day is over. So I've already decided a few days ago that this is for the best. All I end up doing now is hurting the one person I speak to no matter what I do or say so I have to go.

How did it end up like this?

Well the last few years have been nothing but depressing. Feels like beating a dead horse every time I try to go for a goal as I never seem to even reach the first step. It's been too many years now.

The current problem,
She wants to meet even if it makes her feel worse. If I say no then she'll know something is up but if I go I'll only make it worse when I finally go for good. That's how my day is currently. Why did she have to stay, should have gone like everyone else. Would make things so much easier.

So /feels/ how was your day?


Sounds like you're reciting part of the plot of some sad anime. Idk what you mean by having 15 days left but as dead as you're trying your best to portray yourself, you still care about things. The dead are dead, you're still moving, perhaps in place but that doesn't matter.

If you can fix yourself, best wishes you do so, if you can't, adios.


Life's a bitch when you're 16 years old, huh?




My current day was just waiting to be over. How can fucked up can be a life to end craving something like it.

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