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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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So amazon just went full fucking distopian: they went and got a patent to keep people from comparing prices

"The “Physical Store Online Shopping Control patent analyzes the mobile browsing of the customer and if it determines that they are visiting a competitor’s website it will redirect them in one of a few ways.
It may block access to the competitor’s site, preventing customers from viewing comparable products from rivals. It might redirect the customer to Amazon’s own site or to other, Amazon-approved sites. It might notify an Amazon salesperson to approach the customer. Or it might send the customer’s smartphone a text message, coupon or other information designed to lure the person back into Amazon’s orbit."

It begins, we already have companies actively censuring web results deemed "too controversial", now it all reaches its inevitable conclusion…


Not long before amazon pays to reduce the speed of its competitors. Unless their competitors pay to keep it up.


Let me get this straight. If Im not on their wifi (and Net Neutrality is destroyed) Amazon plans to reach out to my SERVICE PROVIDER and request said redirect? Well at least I dont plan on ever using their physical stores or even allowing myself to have such little security in the first place, but this is totally extreme.

If net neutrality is repealed in the states, companies will be able to do some truly despicably clever things.


Nope. You have to be on their wifi. It says so right on the first page under "abstract".
Also, FYI, when you post in your own thread a little "(OP)" shows up next to the post number, so you should change your IP address when you RP in it.


Lol, scratch that second clause. I'm a newb.


No it just means you're replying to the original post.


VPN, don't use Amazon's free instore wifi. This won't last.
On that note ProtonVPN just went public and is free.


Uh I think he is replying to the OP is why the post number he is responding too has the big OP next to it.

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