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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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So looking at AIs like that Tai one from microsoft I been thinking about making a backup of myself

>wait, like that black mirror episode?

Eh, sort of, that one was a crappy product made by a company using your digital footprint which is why it was flawed. Most people's socialnet accounts are bullsoykaf and not an actual reflection of their real life or even themselves. The non-anon internet has slowly become the new "keeping up with the joneses" where normal person drones compete to see who can come up with the most impressive fake life and get their precious worthless likes/RTs/whatever pointless internet points (sure some people actually make a living off this soykaf but how many? I bet less than 0.01%)

What I want to do is different, a true digital backup of me made with an AI I will train myself rather than just use a scrapper to check for the soykaf I done online and hope for the best.

What do you all think? I also take any advice on what to use/how to do it.


What are you considering? Writing some sort of autobiography to train the AI with? But it won't be you, it will be like an actor who's learned how to impersonate you perfectly. Its internal experiences, if it even has them, are unlikely to be anything that you could relate with.

If you really want to "back yourself up", you need WBE technology, which is farther away than normal AI.


>Writing some sort of autobiography to train the AI with? But it won't be you, it will be like an actor who's learned how to impersonate you perfectly.

Better than nothing


>Better than nothing

A crayon drawing of yourself is also "better than nothing". Does your theory of identity just neglect internal experience? You have more in common with any random human than an actor-AI, which for all intents and purposes is a mimetic alien lifeform, not a "true digital backup".


I mean, you're also ignoring the frankly larger issue that we still have no idea how to do this. According to recent research (see, AI researchers are very divided on how soon we can achieve AGI, and this is certainly an AGI-complete problem. The best we can do right now is deep neural networks and LSTM and algorithms like that, which are great, but aren't nearly close enough to AGI to do what you want.

So yeah, nice idea, but not much you can realistically do about it right now unless you have some sort of AGI breakthrough up your sleeve.

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