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Kalyx ######

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I saw this talk and it got me thinking:

Once we inevitably get brain implants, do you think people will accept filter bubbles in their brains? I would expect not, but then again most people seem fine with facebook and google's filter bubble, and when asked about it directly they don't see the issue. I don't understand this, but most people seem happy being shown only what some algorithm thinks they will "like".

So if we pull this to its logical conclusion, we're talking about filters in brain implants. Do you think that's where humanity as a whole will draw the line?


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Don't fall into the trap of thinking that's what people want.

They are getting feed bullsoykaf and have no idea they are. People didn't know that's what facebook and google do, and you would be surprised to see how many people still don't because the news is filtered out from them.

They will always say, "Oh but every ones knows that happens, but the truth is they didn't. normal people don't like being lied too, and filtering is just lies by omission.

So would people get a filter chip? Probably PTSD and other similar cases would. But in general, I dont think so.


I really liked the talk, watched it earlier today.
Also watched the black mirror episode it referenced (White Christmas) which was very well made.

>do you think people will accept filter bubbles

I fear they won't have a choice, as is touched on in the black mirror episode.
Once they get the implant for the greatest meme features (You can watch cat videos straight from your eyes!) It's on the developers/companies/government to decide what else gets altered. This is especially concerning if you can't turn off, or take out the implant. This has very severe censorship implications,and can (and will be) misused in lots of ways.

The problem is lots of people might want implants for other uses, and then get the filtering involuntarily.
I also think there's quite a few people who will just embrace the filter bubbles, after all, Ignorance is Bliss.


Yes, but I would use it for things like furry porn.

I do enjoy entertaining challenging thoughts/concepts that I normally wouldn't subscribe to but I could quite happily go the rest of my life without seeing furry porn again.



>This is especially concerning if you can't turn off, or take out the implant. This has very severe censorship implications,and can (and will be) misused in lots of ways.

And this is why I will never get an implant. Nothing beats an air gap for security and privacy.


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the idea this would become possible haunted me since i watched Stand Alone Complex, with authorities having to look for non-cyberized homeless just to identify a guy live-obscuring his identity


>Do you think that's where humanity as a whole will draw the line?

Fuck NO, if anything it will be far worse than the current socialnet cancer we're seeing

Imaging having every single ugly thing you see one the street covered up by a nicer looking AR simulation

Your crappy car? well its not crappy anymore because you can make your brain see a porsche instead, and for extra credits you can make other people in your vicinity to also see a porsche instead of the soykafbox you actually ride

I'm writing this from a developing world soykafhole where people buy $2000 smartphones yet live in a tiny 1-room apartment they will rent for life. This kind of people would be all over this soykaf, they already go to social apps t pretend their lives don't suck and that they aren't stuck at the bottom of the rat race

Now imagine if they could take that IRL…


>normal people don't like being lied too

From my experience they all prefer lies to the truth, every single time


>So would people get a filter chip? Probably PTSD and other similar cases would. But in general, I dont think so.

I doubt folks would get filter chips, so named and billed.

What would catch on are the chips that point out the people you know, work with, have compatible personalities with. These would not hide the opinions you dislike, but the effect, would be a disinclination to talk to individuals of differing viewpoints, and perhaps disinclination to raise topics that will challenge your viewpoints…compatible personalities include no doubt, political opinions, of course.

Facebook never advertised itself as hiding people you disagree with and building personal hugboxes. It just does that. People want services, and hugboxes are an acceptable side effect.


>I doubt folks would get filter chips, so named and billed.

Yeah, I could definitely see them getting sold as either an upgrade to noise cancelling headphones, or some sort of user activateable safe space type deal.

I don't think we're at the point where this is going to be put in people's brains, both due to the cost of manufacturing, the cost of surgery, and liability, but some sort of externally mounted alternative could easily be on the market soon. Either AR or VR, the technology is pretty much there for either of those if some startup gets funded to actually produce it.

It's the same story as boiling frogs, I'd like to think most people would recoil at this concept now, but we have cochlear implants which could be applied to this, and other similar technology which has already reached acceptance that just needs a little push.


>Do you think that's where humanity as a whole will draw the line?
I'd like to have faith in people and say this is where the line would be drawn, for sure this time. However, the line should have been drawn long ago and I have little faith left given the current state of things.



I hate the guy but steve jobs was right about VR being better than AR because and I quote "nobody likes to see stuff in their crappy apartment, they want to escape reality"

There was a really good mexican scifi short that shows a woman in the near future wearing a brain chip that makes even the ugliest slum look like a cartoon paradise full of "cute" stuff floating around. The fun part is when she's getting hacked and suddenly she gets some other users config files so her world is completely transformed


AR would probably come into standard use in the military, police and the stock market.

The army would use AR so the soldier on the ground would be able to see the most statistically dangerous areas of a battlefield high light in red.

Police would use it to be able to scan your face and know your personal information and criminal record instantly.

AR would probably come to be used on the busy stock exchange floor with stock brokers being able to communicate with each other, negotiating and exchanging information easily and safely just by looking at each other.



>AR would probably come to be used on the busy stock exchange floor with stock brokers being able to communicate with each other, negotiating and exchanging information easily and safely just by looking at each other.

The stock floor is dead, its kept around mostly for show since the vast amount of trading today is done by desk jokeys with several 21:9 monitors around them and bots on HFT networks

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