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What do you think will be the killer VR app?


Personally, I think the reason none of the social VR apps have caught on is that they focus on the bare basics of live interactions in 3D spaces. A compelling VR social space would be its own game, an MMO most likely. Fortnite is really big because it's free, has a host of game modes, and is basically the biggest current "social hangout" game.

So I'm hoping major developers jump in and make full-blown AAA VRMMO games that combine the social aspects of games like VRChat or High Fidelity but with, you know, actual things to do outside of talking to random people. An actual open world. Of course with too many of these there'd be fragmentation and competing VR services but it's highly, highly unlikely we'll ever see them be cross-compatible but maybe some could be moddable. Still, privacy likely won't exist in any of these.


Porn. Teledilldonics etc.


I have many good ideas but am afraid they'd be stolen and then implemented poorly.

Such is my curse, the curse of someone with really good ideas who dosent want them stolen.


there are many things missing from design elements which are obvious and jaron lanier has been saying since the 1980s

main points are that while 3D lent itself well to big open worlds, that is not the case in vr. what you have to do is change your avatar and explore what You can be instead of what is expanding outward. it's dizzying to walk big spaces in VR. rather become an octopus, a cube, a math equation, a haunted mansion, the field itself, a flock of birds; and see how you change. that doesn't sell immediate numbers in the big data marketing hellscape so it won't take off until somone finds a way to take a risk.


I agree with you but I feel like these games would catch on even more if it didn't take almost $1000 to have (full on VR) access to these games. Between headset/hand-things, a powerful graphics card, and a fast enough internet connection, most people simply don't have access.

OP, I think porn will be the big killer.


VR meetings

You sit in a meeting room with people on your team across the globe

Sell it to enterprise cunts and be a bit more competent than most VoIP providers and you just made bank


VR cubicles
all the fun of office jobs, without having to spend on offices


They just call them open offices now. You don't need a VR set, a noise-cancelling headphone will do.

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