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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I was thinking recently that I enjoy Arch a lot for it's simplicity but I also like debian a lot to for it's rock stable, and universal use.
Would it be possible to use a tools similar to Yay that would compile anything from AUR on Debian? I know you wouldn't get the update unless you
compile everything from the ground up.

Does it exist? Is it possible?


At this point you might as well have a build server that pills from the git and compiles daily, and if the build passes, sends you an email or something.

You could probably hack together something in a week with cron+git+makefiles+sendmail. At least, that's how I would do it.



Seems complicated enough. Wouldn't there be another solution?



In my experience I've found that packages that are in AUR but not the debian repos are often in Guix which can be installed on any distro and is faster than AUR because it doesn't always build from source.


You should try bedrock linux




> Would it be possible to use a tools similar to Yay that would compile anything from AUR on Debian?

That'd make Debian as stable as Arch Linux…


If you set up your apt sources you can pull select packages from testing/unstable with the -t flag (apt install -t unstable package). It won't work for everything though, double check and make sure it doesn't upgrade more than you think it should.


arch is more universal than debian

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