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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

low life. high tech. anonymity. privacy. security.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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anyone played/playing VA-11 HALL-A? It's a pretty great cyberpunk game


I'd like to play it. I bought it, downloaded it, and was completely unable to play it on Linux due to the developers not giving a damn about library compatibility issues.

So, lesson learned I guess. If I can't compile a game myself, I won't bother.


Just arrived at the second chapter, so far so good.


Really like it, definitely recommended if you like pixel art and text adventures, had no issues running it on linux either.


Played it on arch back in 2015, then DLed it on steam w/ noobuntu, both ran fine. what was the error exactly?


i got bored of it within 10 minutes


I got the libcrypto error related to the 32bit-vs-64bit library thing, which is a fairly well-known issue with this game in many distros. I run mainly Xubuntu but I got the same error on Fedora, SUSE, and Debian, and none of the suggested fixes on various forums solved the issue.

One thing to note is that I always tried using the direct download. I do not, and will not, use Steam.


I don't like cyberpunk media


What are you doing here?


>he doesn't use danger/u/


love what perf tried to make but i wish he'll
just delete the app from the play store. They way it is now, every kid who's searching for 4chan install the app and fill every thread with references to memes since they cant post them on a textboard.


>fill every thread
not the ones on /burg

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