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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Kalyx ######

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Is it good current practice to regularly use rkhunter and/or chkrootkit for security on Gnu/Linux?
are there better tools out there for checking if your comp is compromised?



No it's not good practice, especially regularly. The out put of rkhunter or chkrootkit as to be trusted, which if the pc is infected wouldn't be. I still use it, in a vm, because i found abnormality sometime which is interesting to note but surely is a false positive in most cases.

Here what you can do. First think about your threat-model, then think about how this supposed ''threat'' would actually infect you. Depending on your answer you can have a better idea on how to protect yourself form attacker.

on Gnu/linux system is really rare to have malware or be "infected" by any kind of stuff. Since this type of desktop os is really unpopular and not much use by the average joe, there is a lack of interest by the writer of malware. What you can do is make sure you have a good password manager that as feature preventing keylogger example copy and paste with limited amount of time for the clipboard to wipe out the information. Rootkit is the most simple one to deal with, wipe and reinstall everything.

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