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Kalyx ######

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>Russian president Vladimir Putin officially signed a bill into law yesterday, according to documents obtained by CNN, that will move the country toward the creation of a “sustainable, secure and fully functioning” local internet, as the Kremlin referred to it in the documents.
>During states of emergency, the government would be able to cut off foreign internet entirely. It would give the Russian government extraordinary control over the flow of information, limiting its citizens’ access to foreign news and media that are not controlled or overseen by the Kremlin.
As unlikely as this sounds, the fact that in videos you can see Russian lawmakers constantly talk about Russian alternatives to Western internet giants and how big their internet presence is really makes it seem like they are genuinely considering cutting off the foreign Internet altogether.
I know we have some peeps from /ru/ here, any thoughts?
Are there any big meshnet projects out there (sure, it'd still be an intranet, but at least it wouldn't be as tightly controlled)?


I'm from this cesspool of a country, and it's just /pol/ level soykaf. It seem to fit into gov strategy towards more autonomy from anything they (gov) can't control. Prior to that there was another soykafty decree stating that any entity having to do with personally identifying data to have that physically stored domestically. It's all about power and control for tsar.

Meshnets are… nah - they aren't here. Nor will become a thing unless they get significant traction elsewhere. Internet access is relatively cheap here providing for ~0 incentives. Add to that an arcane culture issues and you'll have a mesh movement of about 5 (maybe 6) dreamers.


> any entity having to do with personally identifying data to have that physically stored domestically
Isn't there something similar at an EU level? So that they can actually enforce their laws, for better or worse, instead of just the usual "sorry mate the servers are in China and it's legal there" excuse.


Russians are a draconian and self-destructive group. If you value your freedom, move out like a lot of the smarter population already did.


>It's all about power and control for tsar.
I really hope this kind of mentality doesn't spread. The internet is one of the last free (kinda) places around so would suck major balls to have big brother all up in our soykaf even more



Free within layers of letters and flat perceptions. Internal dystopia kinda.





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