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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Facial recognition is being employed by the government and soon to commercial use as a means to keeping tabs on everyone doing everything. Storing that data for legal uses, selling, and enforcing law.

Taking up our own means of fighting against this menace to our privacy should be talked about. I believe the war against this type of surveillance is already lost, but we should make the effort to protect ourselves against it.


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>An open source face detection toolkit is being developed to evaluate looks using haar, dlib, ssd, and yolo face detectors. In the meantime, everything here is designed for the OpenCV haarcascade face detection algorithm


Guess this thread would do best in >>>/art/
Mods, if you don't mind?


But I do believe we have lost the war. The justification of this practice is for the safety of everyone, but of course this comes to the price of our privacy. We cannot trust the government or any corporation employed solution to do us anything good. They'll store use permanently and track our movements without warrants or motivations. Treated like criminals without accusation. And companies will sell your habits, from where we go in the morning, what we wear to other companies to give us more relevant ads.

I like this movement, although as jarring it is to wear this make up in today's fashion standards and wouldn't do anyone any good to dress like this. You'll stick out like a sore thumb, making you already easy to track.
No, sorry. Didn't see that this a thread more about hiding in public sectors. Nevermind.


it was pretty low when american agencies wanted phones produced in a way that would be easy for them to tap, but this is just a straight violation of rights


There are a lot of resources to create fairly life like masks. Anonymity online is taken for granted by many but being able to walk in public in a pseudo is quite amazing. I prefer disguising myself as as a old man. Life is a game of cat and mouse. Defeatists are the dead mouses that could have easily been the cat. My way is one of many. Those that refuse to do anything are naive, lazy, boring, or all of the above.



Right are given by the state and will inevitably be taken by the state. They are a weak crutch to lean on in this time, it would be wise to avoid arguments that hold them central.


I don't think we lost the war, there never was a war in the first place. There is no "it" and "them" and "the state", there is just us and the work we're doing. Humanity has achieved much, and it has always been pricey for the individual. I doubt that people of any era did their part as cheerful volunteers, be it wars, industrial revolutions or so.

The nature of threats faced by the individual have changed a lot, but the amount is roughly the same. Famine, cold winters, epidemics and life-long wars or slavery seems less scary than a lack of privacy, drugs and street traffic, though every era the individual will think their strife is the hardest.
Many individuals these days find out after years of soul-searching that the individual is utterly pointless, and usually forget this soon enough to go for another round - something which they usually narrate as "creating meaning". It always comes down to either coping with a pointless existence, or getting lost in the means to some perceived (pointless) goal. Anything that a state or corporation does is just individuals cooperatively finding out that they are pointless by exploring the various means to no ends. As such, surveillance and face recognition isn't the real problem here, just the current pastimes. The real problem is that all these people are alive and bored, in dire need of a threat. So they find them everywhere in their spare time and create some more in their attempts to prevent it.

Sooner or later something will have to show these current generations what real danger is so that they can finally sleep well at night with all the monsters under the bed. If anything, the angry mobs and the police states are at it, but since there's no mob or state just us, I say we'd better get to work.

I wonder how many people in the free software movement are able grasp that simple concept.


imagine this level of roleplaying.
>Asset: ???
>Threat: ???
>Security Posture: Migitation
>Dress as old man everywhere you go to avoid be recognized by family and friends
>Somehow this constitutes protection against something
For deep cover, I suggest you go to church, and deploy on a mission. You could create the deepest cover of all time. Spend years doing charity work in Africa while preaching the gospel. Imagine, you could spend your whole life without one genuine moment - no one would know who you are - least of all you! It would be great!


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>imagine this level of roleplaying.

Yeah. And latest news has it that China can now identify people by the way they walk:

There goes your old man disguise. Couple more years and they will have a complete reading of your mind from the way you digest.


The point of the post wasn't that the disguise wouldn't work, its that it almost certain had no purpose. I am for avoiding passive surveillance where possible but not at all costs. I am not willing to sacrifice living my life to go free of passive surveillance. Unless your Osama Bin Laden, the costs of walking through the street free of costume is low. And Bin Laden didn't need to leave the house. Comparing people walking without advanced disguise through ordinary streets routinely as 'dead' is absurd. Supposing a perfect national government facial recognition software, at worst, a collection of locations was collected. This is undesirable, by hardly dead for the average person. If you are Neo from the matrix, or Bin Laden, agents might appear. But, a regular individual isn't protecting their life, they are protecting their privacy, and privacy is desirable, but is it worth forgoing all aspects of your life over?

Also, more reliable than face cams is definetely license plate cams, and cell tower data, which we know is being collected.


I had some interesting stuff to say, typed out like 15 lines of it, then realized saying those things would be hypocritical. Those words should be lost like tears in rain instead. Fuck tears.



I think that you might feel that way but in the very near future I highly doubt that I will be comfortable going outside without a significant prosthetic over my face at any time. It just isn't worth it to risk the government coming after you.

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