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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Kalyx ######

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Alright /cyb/, I'm interested in becoming a physical pentester. Ive seen some interesting talks about it and it seems like an amazing job.
However it is hard to find resources on this kind of thing, and expecially for the UK. Ive seen countless of "common keys" for the US but none for Britland. Do you guys have any resources on this you wouldn't mind sharing? It would be greatly appreciated


What kind of resources do you seek exactly? Legally speaking or more practice in itself?


books/articles or videos on social engineering/lockpicking/disguising/general pentesting stuff, events to go to, common keys in uk, common faults in elevators/locks/doors, courses to take, people to learn from, companies that work in the field. Anything that can help really. Like what would i have to take in uni to get a job in pentesting? Cybersecurity? what if i wanna work in physical security, breaking into buildings not networks?


First thing you really need to look into IMO are the legal requirements. For example, in my state if I wanted to get into it, I'd need to become a licensed locksmith first, which means taking some specific training and exams, otherwise all the tools of the trade are illegal to own. Then you at least know if there's a mandatory first step to clear before anything else.

You almost definitely don't need any fancy university degree for physical stuff although there are some that might be useful if it's not a cost to you.

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