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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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gosh, i wish i was just as crazy as the tsuki people so i could actually make this happen


Serious question, are the tsuki people actually crazy? Or are they mostly larping?

I'm of the opinion that they are just being silly and are all kids or low-functioning autists.


I think some people are genuinely schizos that believe its real. But most people just joined for the aesthetic.


I know there are people that believed it throughly, I was once a member of the project (now derezzed). If I recall, one kid did in fact killed himself over it. But, a lot of people did join it to say that they were in it, and some people just enjoyed the community, and some were full on believers.


sure but which one of them was you?

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