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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

low life. high tech. anonymity. privacy. security.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1537572497383.png (1.62 MB, 1678x850, 1331623307644.png)



A convenient gateway.
Static content only, no javascript, no trackers.
Feel free to explore.

And share your favourite links, I will consider adding them.


oh, hey, I found this site a bit ago. Nice to see you around here too, lain ^_^


File: 1537619947914.jpg (674 KB, 1920x1200, lain2.jpg)

Arigatou, Arisu ^_^
I do frequent here, this board is so comfy.

By the way, I've coded my own local counter for the site (to avoid relying on external ones). The essence of it is just some log parsing plus this sed hack:

sed -i"" '/id="counter"/ c\    <p id="counter">#{num_visits}</p>' index.html


this is down , do you plan on bringing it up again ?


Same guys that made ?

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