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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

low life. high tech. anonymity. privacy. security.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1529318794975.png (74.29 KB, 275x580, winamp_lain.png)


I don't know Spanish but after a quick machine translation it seems it's themed around Nick Land.


it seems cool, i already heard about that site but i didn't know it was A C C E L themed.
Now i'm from mobile and it's all messy, but if lain needs a translation for some part of the site in particular i know both spanish and english quite decently, i can translate it for you when i'm back on pc


I only started browsing chans in general back in '13 but didn't /z/ used to be the board you got redirected to when you were derezzed, was a big picture of a cock or something?

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