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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

low life. high tech. anonymity. privacy. security.

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Kalyx ######

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How does one cope with living in an increasingly dystopian cyber nightmare and go about daily life successfully while daily observing more and more of the signs that "crazy science fiction" comic books have been warning us about for most of our lives coming to pass and knowing that there is no escape from this planet and that every day as you step from the past into the future it will only be more of the same and there is nothing you or any of your ilk can do about it?


Drink more.


Move out of big city, if US citizen move out of US and not into China. Seek the parts of the world that aren't dystopian yet (99% A/A).
Also realize that the world doesn't really matter.


I can only drink so much.

I've been wondering similarly though. Which countries are still livable? I've been looking for someplace to go.

What parts aren't dystopian yet?


I know a guy who is planning on Iceland after getting his degree. It's got a political pirate party with some actual heft, one major mid size city, and have immigration programs for programmers.

The language barrier is too much of a turnoff for me though tbh


>there is nothing that you or any of your ilk can do about it.

This just shows that you are uncreative mroe than anything. I feel like most people who are revolutionaries that later become hopless blackpilled nihilists become that way because they use too many drugs and fry their brain and all their youthful creativity and ingenuity along with it. If you stay sharp you will see cracks where you can help fight this, if you let your mind atrophy, you will probably just end up depressed because you can't come up with creative solutions to the problem.


Sometimes you don't want to fight but just to live in a place where your side already won.


We have to put our minds together and build that place my friend, nothing in this life comes easy if you have 'wants' as gigantic as ours.

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