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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1527353036319.png (706.36 KB, 1019x745, alice mail.png)


got lots May mail about policy update
can arisu verify?


its likely in relation to the gdpr


this. you can thank us later for that.



Request for clarification: Are you serious in saying that arisuchan's official policy will be "no Europeans", or are you just joking?


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There can never be peace on arisuchan until the foreign, oppressive European presence is removed, leaving all lains as a unit to control their own affairs and determine their own destinies as a sovereign people, free in mind and body, separate and distinct physically, culturally and economically.


are we declaring war on lain chan again?

Or is this kinda like a Germany/Soviet Union thing


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>not only allowing proxy and vpn ips for maximum transnationality and anonymity


Make a hidden service/eepsite for maximum anonymity and then ban EU IPs with kind heart.


>arisuchan may get fined for up to 4% of global profits if not complying
>EU takes over 4% of hosting fees
I bet Seph is happy


I think implemented this.


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Yup can confirm this.

I think that the core of gdpr is pretty good but it's just too general which benefits big corporations and kills small ones.
Additionally they wan't to pass an extension to gdpr now which basically allows every company and institution to mine all non-copyrighted data inside the eu, if they just say that it's for "research purposes". (pic related)
Oh and they also want to mitm the entire traffic inside the eu to "prevent copyright infringement".
Here's the entire proposal if anyone is interested:

Soo.. Will VPN still be able to access or do we have to get a VPS/move to Peru?

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