That's a headache as it's very hard to keep all criterias of anonymity in mind. Before you should touch the subject of patterns, you should make sure your new identify does not bring anything from past — it can be any similar information, pieces of text that are placed somewhere else.
The most easy way to get rid of this pain is mimicry.
For instance, in CIS countries it is accepted to replace smiles onto brackets, that will burn eyes and cause cancer of any adequate person))))). The more brackets you have, the strongest your emotion is, Ivan. This is generally accepted and most majority of CIS people write like this. You should also add absolute lack of knowledge of their native tongue and spelling. The message of a typical CIS habitant looks like this:
"ahahahah you wont believe,I was in the store today,saw so amazin chick !!!!!!!!! how long do u want to b a virgin ?????)) ))))".
This majority:
1) Don't know what the point and comma are. There is a subtype that loves putting dots and commas into random text places (in all its seriousness)
2) Don't know what the indents are, nevertheless these people love to write long messages.
3) Brackets, brackets everywhere )))))
4) Three dots… doubled or tripled.. when they are sad or serious….. many of them and always out of place…….. the more dots you put, the more is your sadness, Ivan.
These people are easy to copy. Some people copy them ironically. We call this pattern "brewing soykaf", literally. So what should you do? Set your attention on the majority, pick up several average habitants of this group and make your own pattern to use in untrusted places.
Besides the normal people I also noticed for myself these types of people:
1) Edgy boy — usually some unstable boi with low self-esteem that wants to affirm himself, often is showing aggression and can write WITH CAPS LOCK when he goes to the berserk-mode. Writing in this mode, he usually does not bother to put a bit of dots and commas in text.
2) Iamverysmart — a person who wasn't loved back in his childhood. Thus, his speech abounds with elegant and butifool words, parabolas, hyperbolas and sophismas.
3) Dat nigga — you get it.
4) True^TM gamer — would reduce any topic to the games or would try to shoot people with quotes of his favorite characters he already masturbated on.
Your main enemy is your habits, repetitive words and dialect. You can not finish your sentence with dot in chats, but can do it writing your posts or debating with people. Write 'soccer' instead of 'football' and you will give a hint to the researcher.
Fiction books are your friends. You can speak like Lovecraft, write like Poe, type like Hemingway.
In theory you can write or get a script that will shuffle words, delete repetitive words and insert some patterns. On practice, you should look for Anonymouth:"The results give you a breakdown of common words you use, attributing sentence structure, and even some suggestions about how to change the document to defend against attribution"